We're just six hours from home and anxious to see friends and family once again. This has been a great trip, but we are all ready to sleep in our own beds and be in familiar surroundings.
Thanks everyone for leaving comments on this blog. It was a nice weay to stay in touch with you all. I highly recommend this site to anyone who is taking a trip like this one. It was easy to use and quick to upload stuff to.
Final tallies:
Most comments: Susan, with Honorable Mention to MH and Kelly.
Friendliest place: Moab, with a shoutout to Estes Park
Items lost: 0 (with the possible exception of my cell phone. I think it's in the van somewhere. Haven't seen it since Arizona.)
Number of books Jon read on the trip: 6
Pictures Rhonda took: 3011
Pictures Steve took: 150 (I was in charge of panoramas)
Miles travelled: 5.620 (might almost get to 6000 by the time we are done)
Miles that Rhonda drove: 500
Number of times we filled up the van: 20
Highest altitude: 11,000 feet, at the end of the road in Estes Park
Loudest sound: Screams of the girls when Scotty waved
Number of nosebleeds Steve had: 12 (pretty much every time we went over 6000 feet)
Number of nosebleeds Rhonda and Jon had: 1 each
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