After our fantastic day we decided to move on swiftly, saving a little time. We are very excited as our next bus journey is only 4 hours!! If you have read the other blogs you will appreciate that this is a very short journey. Again we saved a few pennies and walked from the harbour to the bus station, I understand that usually these walks aren't very far but when you are walking in a country you don't know you are never really sure where you are heading too you do wonder how far you may have to walk.
Arriving at the bus station after only a 10min walk, was a bizarre experience the bus station was just a little wooden hut down a dirty track, would have been easy to miss apart from the stream of people loaded with backpacks walking the route. We brought our tickets and after a short wait a palace on wheels showed up. It was a two storey bus with beautiful reclining seats and a love smell, we thought it was heaven however our mood soon changed when we realised that we would only enjoy this for four hours. Why oh why couldn't we of had this bus for our 35hour journey??? Although the bus may have been more upper class the driving skills were still the same, just this time the view was much higher and you did think we could flatten anything!
As usual we arrived at the bus station to be greeted by lots of touts all saying how amazing there tour was and they knew the best place to stay! Although being a much upper class bus company they weren't actually allowed into the terminal so that had to shout from a far giving us plenty of time to gather our thoughts. We declined all tour offers and just settled with advice for a hostel. However even once we arrived word must of spread and touts popped in all night up until bout midnight trying to sell there tours! We were not impressed and declined them all and turned on our cable to watch some wildlife shows.
Up early ready for a light breakfast, and a very light breakfast at that for today we are off to the airport to book a flight over the Nasca Lines. During our breakfast the ladies who owned the Hostel spoke lots of Spanish to us which we finally managed to translate into the cheapest tour.
The taxi came to collect us and we set off for the airport, super excited as again this tour was unlike any we have ever done. We arrived at the airport and we had made the right choice the company we went with only had 3 or 5 man planes ensuring everyone had a window seat. We booked ourselves in and had to wait 30mins, a very long wait indeed.... I had the pleasure of watching the small planes take off and land shakley and the green faces depart. I now understand why they suggest you miss breakfast!! After 15mins the pilot came to talk to us, they had an offer for us..... if we split up in two separate planes one of us could fly up with the pilot and the other could join the other plane. Now I (Becki) was not happy with the idea of having to fly on my own these planes did not look safe and im sure I would need a helpful hand for take off and landing!!! So we declined the offer much to Hana's upset she was looking forward to be co-pilot, but luck was on our side and we didn't need to wait long before we were called up to join a 3 man plane, brilliant the smallest one am I really lucky?
Walking along the runway we were shown to our little white plane that only had one propeller on the nose and wings that were no longer than a car! It confuses me at the best of times how they get metal to fly let alone this plane that had no real grunty engine. We boarded the plane, no stewardess to greet you just warnings not to hit your head. We did however have belts, and I had found the emergency exits a small hatch big enough for a hamster to squeeze through behind our seats. There was the typical no smoking signs but no safety brief! Our pilot did laugh at us, with all the excitement we had put on the headphones which apparently we didn't need but we thought it added to our experience.
Once we were all settled, the pilot started the engine and the propeller started to spin, we then moved closer to the start of the runway. He was driving it around like a car, it was crazy to be able to see all the controls. We turned around and prepared for our take off, we started our cameras on video mode. The plane took off bumping and jumping along the runway, houses whizzing faster and faster as we picked up speed and as usual before you knew it the plane was flying. We flew for only a few minute before we upon our first Nasca line the "whale", it was bizarre a white outline of a whale in this vast dessert land. The land was so flat that these shapes our only visible from the sky. They are hugh. The pilot circles the drawing tilting at a 45 degree angle so that you can clearly see the floor and the plane shadow on the floor reminding you again that you are in a flimsy airfix plane. Then without warning the pilot turned the plane to circle the drawing the other way leaving my stomach way behind.
We continued flying over several other drawings snaking our way one way then the other. Some shapes were easy to see others I'm sure you may need to be on drugs to see the figures. Neither the less we always agreed with the pilot when he said "can you see...?" then after a little pointing between us we could spot it just. We saw astronauts, spiders, monkeys, hummingbirds and lots more. As you flew over there were lots of other markings not as defined and not named. The floor was like a massive painters canvas, with lovely mountains as the back drop. There are many theories behind their existence 1. they belong to the Inca empire and were created for astronomical reasons 2. They were created by Aliens for landing spots and are favourite.... 3. Created by some native people on herbal drugs.
I must confess I was grateful when the pilot showed us the last drawing and explained we would be heading back I was just beginning to feel my breakfast surfacing and Hana in her helpful way was enjoying making the jesters and noises!! Approaching the airport and runway I had faith in our pilot that he would touch us down safely, however I did still had my reservation. We landed without even a bumpy and slowly the blurry houses became visible and we had survived to take our tourist pictures of the plane and pilot.
Back in the town we realsied we had a lot of time to kill and had heard rumours that there was a bus strike so we thought we better start looking for our bus to Cuzco, as Nasca has nothing more to offer but the lines. The outcome was looking bleak, every bus company we knew was either canceled stupidly expensive or full!!! So we decided to take the long walk back to a local bus company we had passed on our way to the airport, but it was worth it they had space and it was cheap!!
The rest of the day was spent chilling around the plaza, watching the locals and reading the lonely planet book for ideas for our next adventures.
Our adventures started early, waiting with all the locals and their massive bags of I'm not sure what in the terminal 8pm arrived and went with no sign of a bus. Now remember there are lots of bus strikes and lots of backpackers stranded so we were starting to freak out a little and tried our best Spanish to find out what was going on! But it didnt work so we just waited and waited until finally our bus arrived 2 hours late, but to be honest after our journey I think we would have been happier to have missed it!
We found our seats and had been warned by our trusty Lonely Planet book that the journey we had chosen was quicker but a little rougher. So we settled in to our seats and was concerned when the stewardess brought us sick bags before we had already set off. We have had some rough journeys already and never need bags before so what would this be like??? I agree the journey was a little bendy at times and we were traveling up so your ears constantly popped but it wasn't our worse until...... everywhere around us children, adults and grandparents were making full use of there sick bags! If the smell wasn't bad enough it was horrible trying to sleep to the sounds. One would stop and then the next would start, this was going to be a long long 14 hours!! It didn't stop there the journey was made longer by the fact that cheap comes at a price, cheap buses that break down far too often. I can honestly say I was so glad to pass a white pebbled sign on the mountain informing everyone that you had arrived in Cuzco!! The horror bus journey was over and we could finally escape to clean air away from floating sick bags and have a nice warm shower.
May have been a terrible night but I am super excited I am about to see another wonder of the world MACHU PICCHU!!!
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