Hellloooooo Everbody...........
Surfers Paradise was awesome....really enjoyed our time there, our hostel was like home from home and the staff were really friendly,
it helped that the kitchen was extreamly clean and tidy and there was a huge chill out area with a wide screen, sofas & bean bags
plus a massive DVD collection so you could just throw a dvd on when you felt like it....we met loads a cool people there too, we shared with a girl from the
USA who was really friendly informative and introduced us to her friends on our first night........
The day we arrived we dumped our bags and headed into town for a look around we checked out the beach, shops, clubs pubs etc.....its kinda like a small Miami well just
thats how its known....aka the gold coast....miles and miles of golden sand...When we got back we were encouranged (didn't take alot mind) to take part in a pub crawl
with 7 other hostels.....its was the best....we had such a good night we started off bowling (like 200 of us) then went onto four clubs....the party bus picked us up
(a bus that you could drink and dance on) and we were given a tie & glow stick so they wouldn't loose us, we had to wear them everywhere (wern't we lucky) it became
really fun though coz everyone had them on........ the clubs were really good as they played our type of music and in the second club these girls came around with pizza's
you could just take them as you pleased, it was really weird eating pizza in a club!! lol........we danced the night away and got in around 5am! yeah we thought it was late
too.......must of been having a real good time!! We nursed our hangovers with a day at the beach which was soooo lovely.... we took a walk along the sea's edge and
admired the masses of pretty stones and shells....its not like back home they're all sorts of colours and shapes....they really are awesome. We headed back and
decided we'd get changed and go to 'MINUS 5' an ice bar thats minus 5 degree's...when we say ice bar it is exactly that...your galsses are ice....the bar is ice....the table.
....well everything, they give you gloves, ugg boots and a big eskimo coat its really funky and we were really lucky that we were in there alone..... the bar man made
us a cocktail which was served in an ice glass ( Citrus Absolut vodka, Malibu, & Ginger.... that's just for our reference, but you really should try it) the glass was really thick
rimmed & quite difficult to get your mouth around also because it was soooo cold!!.......Lucy decides to speak before she thought and asks the guy 'how do you manage
to wash the glasses after people use them?' both the barman and Donz looked at Lucy quite funny....what??....she thought it was a valid question until it finally
registered that their made of Ice and common sense would tell you that they would be left to! another Lucyisum! after freezing ourselves stupid we
headed back out into the heat.......we did a little shop in Woolworths and went back to the hostel to chill out and watch 'Ghost' as we had a big day the next day!
'Dreamworld' we spent the whole day in Dreamworld its kinda like alton towers, bristol zoo and folly farm all rolled into was really good...we spent the day riding
white knuckle rides, some were really scary.....we also got to touch the animals...Kangaroos, sheep, pigs, etc and had our picture taken with a koala! the fluffy little thing
decided to poo on Lucy.....yeah we kinda thought the same 'she has no luck with animals'...... we also saw crocodiles, dingos, wombats & really was such
a good day out, we spent the evening trying to find an internet cafe but gave up after it got really frustrating because we got on the wrong bus & realised we'd forgotton the
lead and memory card etc!! we made ourselves some tea at the hostel & watched a film while we waited up to watch the Rugby.....we waited all night but when it came to it
they couldn't find the channel....gutted!! were rooting for you Wales!! we knew you could do it!! bet Pirac's buzzin the biggest thing thats happended
all year lol!! we watched dreamgirls then got our heads down...we were going to wet n wild in the morning with another 7 am start....splish splash!!
Wet N Wild again was a really good day we were really lucky that the sun shone all day.....wet n wild was awesome there was sooo much to do there, they had a huge
wave pool with a cinema TV...called dive in movies you just grab a float and lie n watch a movie like you would in a cool a? they also had really cool rides
such as surfrider a surfboard rolla coaster that gets you soaked and tornado which is a sideways funnel that you get dropped into....we loved them.....we spent the whole
day acting like big kids....we had to do every ride!! made us think of the bonus of having the sun all year around in this country...can you imagine a wet n wild in Cardiff
you would only need to walk from the car to the ticket office and you'd be both wet and wild!!! we spent the evening at the internet cafe....yes we finally found one....we
grabbed a pitta like creation for tea as we missed the kitchen coz it closed at ten....the pitta was soo nice it had chicken pineapple and cheese inside......ummmmmmm
we headed home for another early rise in the morning........we were heading to Brisbane.....7am start!!
We loved Surfers paradise........ probebly because we had sooo much fun, did so much, and met many cool people, oh and also coz our hostel was fab!! defo would go
back @ anytime so many more attractions we didnt get to do............:( buts its only so far money can stretch and we have to be really good from now on.....well as good
as we possibly can be whilst having loads a fun!! whoop whoop!!
Good to here your all loving the Rugby.......come on the Wales!! we'll do it no probs.....hopefully we can catch the final but nobody over here really knows about little old
Wales and if they do they dont seem to follow the six nations....we were only notified of the Ireland game coz the Irish are quite famous over here...arn't they everywhere...
there's always an Irish......soooooooo be sure to update us on the overall score....and we will update you on our whereabouts very soon........
take care all..................loves you all loads love Lucy & Donna x X
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