leanna's getting her move on!!
morning all! well i have been a bit lax with the old updating on here but been having to much of a wickerdy wickerdy woo!!! time out here in cairns!!
well me beth, debs, nell, johnny, steve and the two scots rented a mobile and headed out into the wilderness and visited mareeba (randome local village!) and went to the 2nd largest rodeo in oz for the weekend!!! we decided we better not stand out to much at this local event and went in disguise as sheriff's (as u can see from the foto we fitted in well! yehaaaaa!) well shortened version on the weekend we set up camp at which we girls had to show the dudes how to set up a tent as they couldn't (1 nill to the cowgirls!) then we played random drinking games and headed into the fair were we ran a muk on the bumper cars and the spritzer etc (yes i am 12 years old and a chav wen it comes to the fair! with my can of cider!)
after watching the guys struggle to make a disposable barbie work me and debs took over and got a feast on the go (2 nill!) then we (you got it drank more) and headed in to cheer on queensland against nsw in the bull rideing! after queenland victory we headed back to our camp at which everyone past out but me and steve so we went in and partied with the cowboys getting our dancing shoes rite on!! waving our hats and slapping our thigh's to a country band with the regular tunes pumping out of SWEET HOME ALABAMA! randomly statos quo's rocking all over the world at which me and steve took it upon our selves to show everyone how to air guitar!! rock on! and of course got our kareoke on to mr cash's burning ring of fire!! (coz it burns burns burns.......)
after this me and steve headed back with the help of a corndog! (there were no kabab shops in site! livid) next day hungover and with a mouth like gandhi's flip flop we packed up and head to kuranda were acording to debs is the most beautiful waterfall ever!! (well that mite be the case but after dragging our self's over to the viewpoint there was nothing but mist but hey it sounded excellent!! wehayyy!!)
lots of cleanning and flipping burgers later we decided to get out and see sum more of cairns so after a particulary heavy sunday session we decided it would be a good idea to clear our heads with a bungy jump! well we got there all beaming and excited! till we climbed to the top and i actualy pooed!!! scared was not the word i was clinging onto the side full blown panick in my face!! bethany went 1st after standing for what seamed like and forever psykeing (can't spell that!) herself up she jumped then went debs who just jumped off like it were 2 foot high with a smile and a wave and her useual thanks cheers buddy! (geek!) then it was me well i nugged out and then he made me leave go of the wall the tears are forming at this point and he counts me down to jump at which i freek out and im like im doing that are u daft do i look bloudy stupid! then he calms me down and counts me down and i just sorta fell off i wasn't expecting it never mind him i dunno weather i jumped or lost me footing ha ha! i just rember seeing the floor coming really fast and beaming when it was all over!!! (sending the dvd into u've been framed mite as well make 250 quid of it it's the only time u guys are gonna see it ha ha!) after that willow the lil wrigglar jumped and showed us all how to do it as this her 2nd jump now (yes she is a crazy mo fo!)
after that we headed out onto the tully river and got our white water rafting rite on me beth debs (or meryl streep should i say "stay down rawk!") dannielle and donna kabab from the sunny boro (tell u what we boro lasses get about were allover the place!) well we got kitted up in sexy sandles and helmets check us out could of only looked hotter in jelly shoes!! well after freezing our nips of most of the morning and nearly loseing beth to the crocks and the rapids we got our foder rite on! and then headed back onto the boat were our instuctor tipped us out on a rapid (it was nothing to do with deb's poor effort on the paddling side of course!) after drowing nearly and substaining a blow to the head from dannielle this was after she just finished drowning beth we managed to clamber back into the boat (dan's excuse it's everyman for himself out der!! nice one! team player all the way ha ha! ) well after that we had a couple of cheeky ones and past out on the way home!
well thats about all the banter there is for u at the moment of course there's load more stories from me, debs willow (emma she's a midget ya no!) and beth but haven't got enough money to pay for the tinternet time plus would have to change the endings on sum me nana's reading this and she no's we do more than just drink ya no!! so viki i'll tell ya them another day! wehayyyy!!
rite well off to alice springs so update u all again soon!! love u's and miss ya's ya lil wrigglars!
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
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