leanna's getting her move on!!
g'day!!!!! mate!!!
hey hey well i thought i better update this so u guys don't fink i av forgotten about u's!!! well im ozstralia!!!! im downunder!! u dig a big enough hole in redcar beach u mite reach us wehayyyy!!
rite well what can i say oz is bloudy brilliant i love it here!! i have managed to get two jobs i clean at the hostel on a morning!! (well i sweep and stuff beth cleans ha ha!!) me and beth both do that so we get free acommodation there we live in our own lil staff block were we basicly just get drunk and go out togther and party it up! (all good all good) then i also work afternoons and nite shifts and a coffee shop in town called dusk till dawn it's open 24 hour so i get sum bloudy ridiculous shifts!! (only in oz is coffee 24 hour freeks!!) so all's going well on the western front were trying to save sum pennies so we can go to ayrs rock! and then were gona go on a road trip to a random rodeo with debs (she's a worker dude at jj's with us!!) so should be good a bit of banter!!
well so far we have been getting our scuba diving rite on on the great barrie reef (check out ma photos me and nemo best mates i tell thee!) we did four days training two days in the pool and then two days on the reef it was amazing it's just like you can't describe the feeling it's like being in a masiveeeee fish tank!! it's just so sureal!! but we past our exams and are now certified divers and can dive anywere bonus!! (and guys what is this thing about men and spedos!! they are wrong they should never be worn on a boy over the age of 8!! unless your an olympic!! i have been scared for life on these dive boats!!) well while diving we saw sum prity amazing criters we swam with wally, nemo, dory sum weird americans!! lol but best of all sum sharks granted they were only white tip reef sharks but still in my head that was as good as jaws!! (i think were gonna need a bigger boat!!)
well thats all there is at the mo folks i no i have been here a while now but we just kinda live the life really it's just so easy to lose days in the sun and work out here!! and lose nite partying it up with debs!!! (she's a lil wrigglar!!!) oh but me and beth are on a quest to find a dude called bruce and a shelia!!
oh oh oh i forgot we had a full blown barbie the other day a barbie and we put shrimp on it wehayyyy!! didn't drink fosters tho it's all about the vb and xxxx but still PUT ANOTHER SHRIMP ON THE BARBIE MATE!!! yes i buzzed to ha ha!!
well i get in touch again soon i promise an will put sum more foto's in for ya's to soon probs after the rodeo yehaaaaaa! etc etc!!!
rite cya laters mateys!! love u's
scuba steve!!!! x x x x x x x x x x
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