We were starting get get a little snappy and space deprived so a mutual decision to stay at the campsite. After the pain staking decision of choosing a space in 30 degree heat we eventually set up shop and Stu went to have a shower whilst I took the woofers out.
We went up the river across the bridge and back. As the campsite was coming into view someone switched of the lights and blow a gale and with that the rain. Falk lighting infront followed the the loudest thunder that made blaze literally jump of all 4 paws. We ran back to the van but by the time I got there I was drenched. The lightening and thunder went on for ages, hours. I was just about holding my nerve until the lightening hit a tree and something snapped. That was it. Out the van and headed inside to the nearest building, the toilet block. Stood there for another half hour or so until it broke slightly. The rain carried on but we were safe to get back in the van and go to bed.
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