Going shopping when you have to carry everything for nearly 3km is just silly. How did people manage with out cars? My feet hurt my arms hurt and my neck is a little achy and that was all by 10am. Wrong all wrong.
Anyway, refilled on water, 20L in 3 days. Don't really know if that's a lot or little but quite interesting to see.
I don't believe it some mother of a girl who had a few lessons with me sperrodicly over the last 1.5 years just call to say she has her test on Wednesday, will I take her. And then says it's my fault as I don't have a replacement as I didn't tell them in not with New Driver any more. All I can say is thank god I'm not there.
O dear Stu has found a motorhome shop this could be disastrous, one bike rack brought one catalog to browse through. Is this the next Cotswolds??
So by the time I'd done the washing, had a shower and got the water it was starting to get pretty hot so I went back to get the dogs. Picked up plenty of water for all of us and headed for the the first stop, pet shop.
We then took the stream path following the red squares again towards Bushlag. A really nice walk down these little pathways where at the end of each one was a little red square so you know you were going the right way, where my first photo project hit me. We had previously followed these red squares for a short time on our trepid walk to Frankfurt, so I knew there were a lot around. I am going to take a photo of each red square some where in the frame. One constant and see what happens.
We got to Bushlag and and started to head back as it was now 4 ish. As we got to the bakery stu had gone in to yesterday I could here a faint sound of a chainsaw buy could see no one, tried to poke my head round a few houses to see but no joy so just went back to the yard. By the time I'd five dogs their food Stu and Maurice were back. It was them working, that's a shame I couldn't see.
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