Unfortunately I didn't sleep to well as I have now discovered that the wood we use for the burner is giving me bad hay fever. Only me. Don't think we can do much about it so I'll go on sneezing and blowing my nose and stu has to put up with me snoring.
I'm now sitting in the bright sunshine and I think it's nap time in the jungle, well it is 10am.
Wow Sunday's here are Sunday's. Nothing is open. No supermarket, no garden centres, no sports shops not even that many garages. All I saw today's were people cycling and running. A true day off.
We walked round Drieich Sprendligen the town where the yard is with the dogs and stu showed me all the place he has been working and OMG these houses are the biggest and strangest I've ever seen. Pictures to follow so you can understand. But one house would be ultra modern, concrete with floor to ceiling windows and the next a massive Adams family style house and then a cute but big cottage with brick arch ways. Very odd. Every other person has a porsche in their garage or on the drive way so all in all quite an interesting place to work really.
After about 3 hours we headed back. I learnt how to replace my inner tube on my bike and then did stus flat and stu put our helmets up, skis on hooks on the wall and beach rolly in.
Decided to definitely get a bike rack. Will be much easier, stu was worried that I would be taking to much stuff, I think some one has quite a big array of climbing equipment for rainy days.
After having a good spring clean and a tidy everything is looking much better.
First day stu is working tomorrow, I'll see how the time goes. Slightly apprehensive about all the time on my own but really only 5 day till skiing so can't complain.
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