Today was our quintessential christian prairie town day. We started by showering at a truck stop, eating BLT's then hitting the church for a Sunday service. Had some issues keeping in laughter when there was a puppet show explaining how to grow your bone, it was pretty rediculis. After that we manned the BBQ and cooked dozens of burgers for the church barbecue and finished it off with a feast. Then we hung out with the family who are letting us stay in the driveway, and then went biking with their son Cody. After we did that for a few hours we went to a different barbecue that we got invited to while garage saling. The people at that bbq were really nice amd informed us about a good breakfast place in town which we will check out tomorow. So far this has been the most hospitable town I've ever seen. Everyone has offered us stuff, it's incredible, best place to break down. Some words and some topics of conversation have definitely been avoided at this stop, buts it's been lots of fun.
- comments
Mom & Dad Good luck with the pump..take care.. love mom & dad
Carleigh, Ed & Quinn Hopefully you're on the road to Calgary by now and your car is running well. Quinn loves the story and pictures of you under the car and the flat bed, he's asked to hear it over and over, 50 x at least... He's been playing with his cars reenacting the breakdown. I'll send you pic's over email...