Hi Everyone
Having arrived in K.L. I found my way to the Sentral area where trains, buses, monorail etc all come together, I teamed up with the least German sounding German I have met so far, a decent guy called Frank, we made our way towards Bintang and then met with Tanya who was also going in the same direction. We eventually found the accommodation squeezed between McDonalds and a Massage parlour, upstairs in the reception was the owner, Hazdy, an unflappable host., shown to my room which had air con already on, it was marvellously cool, I changed and got ready to meet the others again. Tanya and I allowed Frank to drag us to some seedy Indian area where I had real trouble being understood and still didn't get what I had ordered even when the bill came. Still it was cheap and I mean real cheap, little more than two pounds for all that you could eat, so who cares what it was.
Back at the B & B I discovered that it is clearly really popular and rarely less than full, it does have rave reviews so if you're looking for somewhere decent, clean, fun and the chance of meeting good people, check out Paradiso, in K.L.. Well recommended. Tanya was waiting for two of her friends and we all adopted one another for the next couple of days, they were great company. We arranged to go 'up' the Petronas Towers the following day and arranged to meet at the B & B reception. Unfortunately the others overslept but I left a message to say that I'd gone ahead to get the tickets and would wait for them in the Towers. The tickets are free and I waited as long as possible, you are allotted a time to go up, but unfortunately they were out of time, I left the tickets at the booking office and went up on my own. You can only go to the 40 something floor, about halfway but you still get a good view of the City. More amazing is the actual structure and how the Sky Bridge was put together.
I had to get myself to the Indian Visa Centre to obtain my Visa for India, I left the Towers at 11.30 and went on my way. I had plenty of time the only problem was that no-one seems to know where the visa Centre is. I had researched the address and knew where I needed to be but locating the actual premises was a nightmare and having asked a Tour Guide where it was, he actually phoned the Centre and got directions. I followed them to a T and still failed to find it. I went into the Agro Bank (opposite) and they told me it was next door. I went next door and spent ages walking around a simply HUGE Muslim Clinic. Eventually I found another person, I was actually almost outside the place by now, who then helped me further and I eventually walked through the door at 2.20pm only to be told that I was 20 minutes too late!! I calmed myself and spoke very nicely to the Lady behind the counter who confirmed that I needed a Transit Visa and that it would take 10 days not the normal 5, and No I could not drop the forms in today as they do not except anything after 2.00pm.Totally frustrated I returned to the B & B, I was already booked to go to Taman Negara National park the next day so I had no choice but to return to K.L. after that and try again.
I went out with Tanya and frineds that evening and we spent simply hours talking, over dinner, over a few drinks in a local bar, it could have gone on and on but us oldies need to sleep once in a while so I left them to it. Next morning I was up early for my trip, very kindly, the others got up early just to say goodbye, which I thought was very nice of them, they were going up the towers that morning so I hope they had a good time. I left for the National Park knowing that it was going to be hot and wet, recalling my time in the jungle in Sorht America and in Thailand, I re packed my small bag for the 3 days and deposited my big pack at the travel agents store in the office. I then readied myself for the 65K trip up river to the National park.
This was a far more civilized version of 'going wild' and not as exciting as Sth America, but it is good all the same. I had chosen a Public holiday weekend which meant that accommodation was in short supply. I ended up in a very poor excuse for a Hostel but it was just about sufficient for the 3 days. The place was too far back from the river to wash 'naturally' and the running water stopped half an hour after arrival. In the back of the wash block was a large trough which I was told was fed from the local waterfall (who knows!), with the aid of a scoop this was the only means to remain clean and at least just a little fresher. The Dorm had 6 pretty poor bunkbeds, one fan and precious little else. I would have been better off in a hammock and shelter but never mind.
I went on the canopy walk which is pretty good, 500 meters long and 45 meters high, it is basically a rope bridge strung between numerous trees and swings like mad if you get out of sinc.. Having completed it I can tell you that I would rather jump out of a plane at 15000 feet than do that again. It was very busy and I didnt feel at all confident especially when I was left standing in the middle of a span because the platforms only allow 5 people on them at a time, the whole thing moves up and down and side to side giving the sensation of total lack of control. Still I had a good few days the highlight of which was being in the company of about 10 Malay youngsters who were on a weekend away from K.L. all work friends they were a mixture of couples and singles all with the sole intention of having a laugh and a good time. Also with me were two Dutch couples and the Guys and me went on a boat trip with the Malays. we had already established that everyone was going to get wet, it was just a question of how wet? The Lads were sat behind me and then our Malaysian friends behind them. By dipping a hand into the river as we were flying along a large plume of water could be directed into the back of the boat drenching everyone. We had a lot of fun resulting in the people at the rear having to start bailing as the boat had no pumping system! What went backwards also came forwards with the aid of the bailing bucket and some tricky manouvers by the halmsman and we at the front became equally wet through, we did have a real laugh though and all had a lot of fun. The little trip was finished off by visiting one of the village tribes and learning a bit about their way of life. They were a strictly nomadic people who only settle in one place for approximately 3 weeks (I know the feeling!). We saw a different way to make fire and how to use a blow pipe as a weapon. Happily I had more success at this than I had done with a Didgeridoo! The following day I returned to K.L. & in tunr to Paradiso B & B.
The very next day I returned to the Visa Centre, queued up for a long time, had my application checked twice by staff and waited to be processed. When I eventually reached the counter I was told that I didn't need a Visa to Transit India. I showed my flight details and the Form which stated that I did need a Visa and informed them that 4 days earlier they had confirmed that I needed a Visa. Again I was informed that no Visa was required and No this will not be put in writing. The information was confirmed by a second member of staff and when I asked to see a Supervisor I was asked to leave. So I had wasted two days and I am still not sure what will happen when I eventually reach Delhi Airport, I have kept the papers so we will see wont we?
I am now booked to visit the Cameron Highlands which I am looking forward to. I will update you on what happened later.
Take care. see you soon,
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