Hi Everyone,
I was in company with Surya who was taking me around the North part of Bali, we visited GitGit Falls early in the morning, about 8.45 to be precise, which are situated half way up a mountain and accessed by a very damp, moss covered concrete path and steps. It's only about a 15 minute walk from road to Falls but far enough to warm you up if indeed you need warming at all! The tumbling water from the top shelf cascades into a deep pool before running off into the river below, the water does nothing to cool you down and if anything it adds to the humidity of the area. There is an Hindu Temple to the left of the path near to the base of the Falls and at the time we visited it was being tended by two Ladies who were making 'offerings', the scene reminded me that this is a deeply religious society which uses religion as a way of life rather than trying to get others to follow, the Hindus just get on with it and let others believe whatever they like. What a marvellous attitude, I like that and there are lessons to be learnt here. I have noticed this on numerous occasions since being here, the regular offerings to different Gods and Ancestors, for good luck, health and happiness, for wealth and prosperity at work, for safety and love of the family, it carries on all the time. If you as a tourist happens to be there at the time then you get blessed as well and sprinkled with Holy water and so on. It seems to be a nice easy culture - just a shame it's so blooming hot!!
The following days in Lovina followed a quiet, relaxed pattern and I spent plenty of time with the people down at the beach and with Reni's family in the evenings. I found out more regarding their way of life, how they survived and supported one another, how they mostly lived as one whole family in one house, I was taken to Gede's home, met his parents, his wife and beautiful little girl, had supper with them, was entertained by his father who played a traditional instrument and generally treated as one of the family, it was a marvellous time.
The children who work the beach with their parents are very lovley but dont they just know it and how to tug at the emotions, facial expressions, body language, the right turn of phrase, they have it all, but start talking to them without the business side and a differnet world emerges. For example one girl of 12 sat down with me late in the afternoon and told me that she had not sold anything that day. I reminded her that I had agreed to purchase items from the children on my last day and sympathised with her. she clearly wanted to talk and we sat for quite some time as she told me how she had been doing really well at school and really enjoyed being there when suddenly she was no longer able to attend because the family could not afford for her to attend. That was two years ago and she now has little chance of getting back into education lathough clearly intelligent. It is a common story and one which I have encountered many times since being away. We all know how important education is but I'm still not sure I fully understand why other Countries do not support education as in the West. It is all too easy to say there is no money but look about you and there is plenty of evidence of thriving commerce in most places you go, regardless of a World recession!
This conversation formed into a little plan and to give the kids a bit of hope and something to look forward to I let it be known that at 4.00pm on my last day I would be in the Market. Come the time I walked to the beach loaded with money and expecting to be mobbed. Mobbed was a bit of an understatement, seems that the little Devils had told all thier mates as well! So plan B had to be launched which was to deal with the Children I knew and had already spoken to, also I wouldn't deal with any kids who didn't have parents with them or relatives I could talk to (not that that would narrow it down much!!). A couple of Mums and Reni helped me sort it all out and I then decided to reveal a bit of a twist to it all. Selling two items increased their profit and also brought the overall cost down. I got each of the children to approach me one at a time, choose their personal favourite item and give me a price, I then added a second piece and asked for the new price, this is what I payed and then handed them their chosen piece of jewellery as a gift (if they chose to resell this, that was up to them), I kept the second piece and in all I had 14 items of jewellery! The children were happy, the Mums were happy and I had a whole bunch of items and a lot of new friends. It was very satisfying to see all the smiling faces and to know that I had, in some small way, had an effect on their day.
I would like to return to Lovina one day as IT and me got along very nicely, it is a warm and friendly small seaside town with plenty of lovley people if you just take the time to find out. The beach/ Well yes it's sort of black but it was clean and the water is perfectly clear, certainly clearer than Kuta. On my last morning before catching my bus I was talking with Kumang the manager of the guest house and related the above story to him. He told me that he had gone down the same route. His wife and two children now live in one of the hillside villages with his parents whilst he has to stay at the Guest House working every day for $30 U.S. per month, little wonder that the same story will be repeated for years to come. Without education and qualifications how does anybody get themselves out of that trap?
I took the bus to Sanur on the East coast of Bali and figured that I would see a lot more of the beautiful coastline as this is what the place has a reputation for, along with being a lot less livley than Kuta. I had asked the driver to drop me at my chosen Hostel but this turned out to be a waste of time and I found myself outside The Swastica Bungalows! I must confess that prior to coming to Bali I did not know that the Swastica is an Hindu symbol. The bungalows were double what I had been paying but there were two swimming pools and I negotiated a bit of a deal having decided, wisely as it turned out, to stay for 4 days. Over the following days I did have a look round, the beach is lovley with a long stretch of golden sand, cleaned every night of rubbish and with numerous brightly painted Outrigger boats. The temperature seemed to have gone up by quite a bit and the humidity is really difficult, even when the sun went behind heavy clouds there seemed to be little relief from the it all. My skin has changed colour again and I am losing my tan and gaining a more red colour, a sure sign that the sun is too strong for me here, the same happened in Australia.
I have met some decent people though and two nights ago I spent a fabulous evening in the company of Paul Husner, the painter. He was great company, an adventurer and a real enthusiast for life. Paul is probably 10 years older than me and we happened to be in the same place listening to to a Rock Band (yes I know!!). We got chatting because the Lead Singer asked whether I had any requests as I was clearly on my own, I suggested Stairway to Heaven by Led Zep and they immediately belted it out, there and then. The Female vocalist was a dimunitive littel thing who must have been all lungs and vocal chords because she did a really good job on the difficult bits and it was because of this that Paul and I got chatting. A very interesting man and well travelled, his Website is and was presented to me on a very nice business card, I dont think he was too impressed with my scribbled note which just said - wiinieontour!! I picked up a bit of a bug again and didn't stray too far from the bungalows, you can guess the rest but it did give me chance to catch up on my writing and doing a lot more of this stuff. In any case you can not go anywhere here without being constantly tooted at by Taxi drivers and offered ' transport' by anyone who isn't a taxi driver. At night time it all gets worse, every male turns into a Pimp - everyone knows a 'sexy girl', everyone thinks you want a 'sexy girl', well actually what I would really like is just to left alone, thanks all the same, not tooted at, hasselled, stopped every 10 meters or so and asked the same question over and over again, it is the most tiring thing about being here.
As a form of refuge away from it all I found the Sports Bar where I had met Paul, it showed The Premiership at the weekends and showed live bands the remainder of the time. So on Sunday 1st March I found myself in the said Bar having a very tasty Watermellon Juice (yes, I know, hard to believe isn't it!!) an even tastier spicey chicken and rice, with my eyes on a big screen looking at pictures live from Upton Park, East London! The wonders of technology, electronics make the World a very small place beaming images from thousands of miles away to you live, mind you try travelling around the World and you'll find it a whole lot bigger. After the match it was time to walk the 200 meters back to my bungalow, by way of distraction I decided to do some research, how many times can I be offered a 'sexy girl' if I tried? The grand total (in 200 meters) was 13! 13 times in 200 meters, quite rediculous. Two taxis actually kerb crawled me offering all sorts of pleasures, when one finally gave up the other took his place. The first must have thought he would play a trump card because I was next accosted by who I suspect was the girl herself, riding pillion on the back of a motorcycle and escorted by a mate or a minder or both. The answer was always going to be NO but to make matters worse she took off her helmet and had the face of a witch, as my old friend used to say, "she had fallen from the Ugly tree and been thwacked by every branch on the way down!!" Very deffinatelty NO!! I got back to the bunglaows and you will all be relieved to know that I am still Virgo Intacto - WHAT!! Is that the sound of doubt I am hearing??
On my last day I found a really good textiles company it was ashame I found it too late as I seem to be living in a bit of a black hole at the moment, well certainly as far as clothing is concernd. If it's possible to mislay it then I have, it even applied to my camera for a short while. Having rearranged my bag whilst at Dempasar Airport I had put my camera into the large pack, something I never do, it had found its way to the bottom where there is a dividing layer between top and bottom, it had then lodged itself between the velcro fastening and stayed there, well and truly out of view, until I had again rearranged my kit again at a later date. I was quite ready to leave Bali I was finding the weather far too oppresive but first I had to find my way back to Kuta and collect my other bag from my original accommodation. Everything went like clockwork, my transport took me door to door, I had an improved room over what I had first time round, my bag was still there and the day passed without incident. I exchanged my Lonely Planet book and got 100,000 Rupees back I had a pile of washing done for no money at all, I purchased a couple of essentials and swam in the pool. Come the time to leave I had pre-booked transport so it was all very civilized and orderly, the only little hitch was a long delay to my flight from Bali to Malaysia which caused me an issue with the B & B in Kuala Lumpur because they would only hold reservations open for 3 hours after the expected arrival time. I managed to eventually send an Email and as it turned out everything was fine.
I eventually arrived in Malaysia and opted for the bus transfer into the City. It is only 8 Ringett which is about 1.40p for an hours bus journey. We passed the Grand Prix circuit where Lewis will WIN in a couple of weeks time and then had a fabulous view of the City, fully illuminated against a dusky twilight sky, the twin Petronas Towers dominated everything mainly because they are illuminated top to bottom, it was a very exciting scene and full of promise. I will fill you in with the coming updates soon.
Take care and see you soon,
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