Wilson's World Tour
Well, we\'re just about to catch our plane to Austrailia and we thought it would be nice to write our final thoughts on NZ.
Everyone had told us we\'d both love NZ, well, we do !. Not just the physical beauty of the place, but the warmth of the people to. We\'ve seen some incredible places, experienced some amazing things. We\'ve also had our low points, but which now, don\'t seem that bad at all.
We\'ve travelled pretty much all over NZ, from the very top of the North Island, to the very bottom of the South Island. We visited snowy mountains, gorgeous sandy beaches, rainforest, mountain plaines. NZ has a very untouched feel about it, the rainforest has been of the same flora and fauna since NZ seperated from Australia many of millions of years ago. New Zealander\'s are very fortunate that they have soo much space, infact the South Island is about the same size of England but only has a population of one million, whereas England had about 40 million ! Most people in NZ seem to work to live as opposed to live to work. In fact in most towns, all the shops shut on a Saturday at lunch time ! So that families can enjoy the weekend together. I\'m sure that in time NZ will inevitably \'catch up\' with England and become a 24hour society, but for now it\'s great.
In fact yesterday we got chatting with an Estate agent and asked her what were the nice area to live in Christchurch, rather than talking about how close somewhere is to commute or location to school's, she was telling us which area's where close to the beach or close to the mountain's, totally different thinking to the UK !
Having done some pretty amazing and diverse jobs has taught us loads. Back home in our consumer lifestyle you don't spare a thougt for how that leg of lamb or apples or even pint of beer has found it's way to your table. But haing experineced the process that goes into producing these things it really makes you think. Before we worked on the sheep farm, I used to nievely thought, how hard can ot be to rear a few lambs ? Just put them in a field, shear them once a year and bobs your uncle. How wrong can you be !. It's such a labour intensive, stressful business, there's always something that need to be done, in all weathers. The same goes for the humble apple. It's such a labour intensive process, there's initial bud thinning, then pruning, more thining, then picking, but not after various spraying operations. It's really made us appreciate what goes into everyday items.
We've made some great friends and have some amazing memories and if you can make it to NZ, do it !.
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