Wilson's World Tour
Before we left home, we decided that we'd try and do job's which we'd never done before, weren't likely to do again and which would hopefully enrich us. So far we've worked with horses, helped with docking, shearing, worked on a hop farm, thinned apples and many more. So it was a natural progression to then work on a nudist resort !!!!
When we were back in England looking at the help exchange website, we'd seen the 'White Cockatoo' advertised and thought that would be a laugh, but probably not for us. However when we got to Cairns and started to think about what we were going to do in OZ and how not to spend too much money, we went back on the help exchange website and saw their advert again. So we thought, why not, we're not going to do that back home !
Tony, the owner of the resort, met us off the plane at Cairns airport. The resort was actually about an hour up the coast in the small town of Mossman. On the drive up we seemed to avoid talk about 'nudism', Sam and I were both quite nervous. Once there, we were quite impressed with the place. They have about 25 chalets all set inbetween lush jungle vegetation and a really nice pool which has been landscaped with rocks and waterfalls flowing into it. Tony showed us to our chalet, we had our own bathroom, kitchen, TV & DVD and most importantly AC. He said he needed to run through a few things and could we meet him at the bar in about 10 minutes, nude of course !! Once he'd gone we fell about laughing and tried to compose ourselves for the big reveal !!
Sam made me walk in front to the bar, we met Lenore, Tony's wife who was really nice. They went through all the rules which all seemed pretty sensible and thankfully made it clear that this was a nudist resort and nothing else ! Apparantly some people in the past assumed it was a swingers resort and obviously that must've caused a few problems !!!
The next morning we soon got into our jobs, I was doing gardening/handyman and Sam was cleaner/chamber maid, in the nude of course ! Pretty soon we both felt really comfortable, I think because everyone else was exactly the same, what does it matter ? In fact in some respects we felt more concious being on the beaches in Rio.
A group of 10 American's and a Austrailian couple turned up, they were all freinds and a really good laugh. Tony had organised a private charter of a 45 foot sailing yacht and invited us along. It was a really beautiful boat, we set sail with a huge cool box full of beer and Champagne and no clothes !. It took about an hour and a half to get to the reef under sail. Once there, they started to explain that it was jelly fish season and there are some which are the size of your thumbnail, but can kill you if stung by them ! This dd nothing for Sam's nerves, but thankfully they had lycra suits which apparently protected you from the stings. So we doned suits, snorkel's and masks and went out. What struck us was the variety of the coral, it was amazing. We also saw giant clams, about 5 foot wide !, turtles, fish that looked like Dorothy (from finding Nemo) and Nemo himself ! It really was an amazing experience even if the threat of the jellyfish was always there.
Another day we went out on Tony's speed boat, along the Daintree river. It's situated in the middle of the some of the worlds oldest rainforest forests, quite an amzing place. We spotted quite a few crocs even though it wasn't the right time of year to see them and had a nice afternoon cruising down the river.
We spent two weeks with Tony and Lenore and on the whole we enjoyed the experience. Would we go nudist again ? Maybe in the right environment, we haven't had some sort of epiphany and are now going to be stripping at every oportunity. I think it's more of an experience we will look back on with a smile and also one we can scare the grandchildren with !!!!
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