Wilson's World Tour
Gooday !!
Well we arrived in Sydney at about 1700 and had thankfully booked a hostel for our first night in OZ. We found the airport shuttle bus and for $10 got a lift direct to the hostel. The drive to the hostel was a rude awakening that we we're now back in a fast paced fully westernised city. The coach driver was throwing his vehcile around and driving like his life depended on it. It reminded us of South American driving !!! We eventually got to the hostel with no lasting damage.
The hostel was well located, near all the parks and just a short stroll to the harbour. We went for a walk to stretch our legs and get our bearings. As we walked through the city we were both taken back by how busy and noisey it seemed. We felt like villagers going into London for the first time !
We didn't sleep very well, partly due to the noise and also the heat. Also the hostel was really badly run and had really unhelpful staff so we spent the next two days deciding on a plan of action.
Sam had seen a tour which would take us into the Blue mountains, various outback stops on the way, horse riding (oh joy !) and ending in Byron bay. The only trouble was the next tour was in ten days time.
We really didn't want to hang around in Sydney central so decided to head to the beach, Bondi beach ! We'd booked one night in a hostel, this also turned out to be really dirty and had bad facilities, but it served a purpose. We had a walk around Bondi and found a really nice place for the same money as the hostel. We now have our own private room, kitchen, bathroom and balconey which overlooks the beach !
Bondi itself is a bit of a tourist hotspot and remids me of Margate ! I imagined the beach to be really long, it's actually quite a smal bay, but the sand is golden and the water a beutiful blue (not quite like Margate !) Having our own place has really felt like a holiday, we've been getting up late, reading lot's of books, lying on the beach, nice !.
We also took a train into Sydeny centre one day and did the tourist thing of climbing up the bridge and checking out the Opera house, it is a nice city, but having spent soo long in NZ, feel's too busy for us.
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