So been at the skins for a few days having a good time good to catch up with skin also viv's cooking is excellent. We had these massive turkey burgers last night with cheese in them I even got to watch wrestling on t.v. What
more could you want. Yesterday
We visited bondi. The
Weather was pretty cold and although bondi looks a lot different from the t.b. On the summer it was good to go especially to some of the more secluded beaches like bronte! I also walked past Harris from bondi rescue he actually is as tanned and cheesy in real life as on tele! Today we are going to visit some friends in a place called manly, just north of Sydney. We met them on the Fraser island trip so will be good to catch up and see how there travels worked out and compared to ours! Saturday we are hopefully going to watch an aussie rules game although you go at 2 and watch a few games before the main event at 730. I'm predicting that I will either understand the rules by then, or have fallen asleep!
Best get up and get going everything ok here working on a plan for next week! Have a nice day!
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