Good pose? Got a bit of stick for that and I will stick some more pics of our fishing adventure soon.
I am just writing this still in mid recovery for what was the Adelaid Cup. A very enjoyable day for all and for thoes of you that know me better, had a pretty similar theme to all the other occasions I have been to the races. I won nothing, I have a massive hole in my wallet, a huge head ache and being Brits we thought it would be funny to have a vindaloo when it was 40*C. Retrospectivley that was a bad choice.
Anyway, what have we been up to in Adelaid? Adelaide is a really nice smalish sort of city and there isn't masses to do compared to the likes of Queenstown so we have been hanging around with John (the nice chap who has taken us in - fiance to my 2nd cousin) and doing manly stuff. One being the gun range which was really good fun. it was also where we also saw our first wild Kangeroo. We shot a few guns and had a really good time but it was stupidly hot.
We have also started to realise that we can't keep living like tourists anymore by doing everything we can and eating and drinking as much as we can without working because all our money will be gone and we'll have to go to fat camp when we get back! So we're trying to slow down we little success.
As well as staying out in the sticks, we have also been staying with Gemma (another relation but younger) in the City. As you can probably tell from the photos we have managed to sample some of Adelaide's bars and meet the locals (we're still to meet a big hungry snake though). We have also been checking out the beaches becasue just incase you didn't realise it's seriously hot unlike at home! The beaches are great especially in the week because everyone is at work - Having worked before I can definitely vow that being unemployed in Australia is more fun!
Your probably all wondering where we're planning to go next? Well the plan was to buy a car and drive the Great Ocean Road to Melbourne and then work there for a couple of months. However, you don't need a car in Melbourne city so we're flying on Thursday in time to catch Lewis Hamilton win the Grand Prix. Once we've made a bit of money in Melbourne the plan is to buy a good car in Melbourne and then drive the Great Ocean Road back to Adelaide. From Adelaide we are then going to go 'up the guts' to Darwin. It's only a short drive (say, 3,600 Km). We can go and see some dust and then some more dust, a couple of Abbos and then hit Darwin. The plan is to then drive (provided we make it Darwin) to Cairns and down the east coast. Nice small drive!
Don't worry, I'll let you know how we get on all the way round! and thanks everyone for your messages as well, their all really nice!
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