Hello everyone, not written for a while purely becasue from the moment I finished the last particularly rushed shaby blog I have been trying to think of what I can write on the next one to make it more informative and entertaining. Unfortunately, I have failed miserabley and am 100% certain that I am not cut out be a writing in any sort of way.
The weather reversal has now happen you will be delighted to hear, so as you at home are stating to get to the pub early to catch a few rays after work and a good bit of weather, I am having to catch a bus (yes a bus, with other people with colds and faces so glum the driver may as well ditch the thing and do us all a favour) in the cold (Australian cold = below 20 degrees) after having worked all day. I've not quite settled back into this working thing as I was quite enjoying the freedom of 5 months unemployment.
Howere, you may be thinking boredom for Adelaide may be setting in and you would be wrong, as even though we are both working loads (yes, Liam has finally got a job in a Pie shop - suprise, suprise) we are making loads of new friends all the while and enjoying the social side of not working Sundays or Mondays and having money to spend again. We are also planning the next stages of our trip, which would be the short drive to Darwin and then working in the Whitsundays which should be pleasent.
There aren't really any specific events or instances that I feel neccessary to share on the blog especially if there are children reading or anyone with heart conditions. So all in all, a slightly poor effeort on the blog but hope it gives you 5 minutes to skive whilst at work and have a laugh although I know nobody at Tenon would every consider doing that - lunch break only please.
If something interesting happens whilst I'm still in Adeliade I promise I will write and enjoy the summer (if there is one)! X Oh, it's just started to rain!
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