My last blog from the USA :( Do I have to come home?? Can't I go back and do it all again?
Sunday Sarah and I met up with two of her aupair friends who live near san fran. They took us to the cheesecake factory for lunch. The cheesecake die for. I wish Ii could bring some home for everyone to experience but if i did i probably wouldnt want to give it up anyway! We then went to Coit tower (views) and then Sarah and I went back into Mission for the rest of the day which was great. Cool area. Some guy sugestd we go to the park and we did, and it was sooo busy. Really nice..There was an ice cream shop and peope were lning up forthe ice cream around the block..Crazy..
Spent a whole day shopping in San Fran on Monday. Bought so much stuff that by the end of the day it was starting to physically hurt me to hand over money.
Tuesday I was up really early and on the bart (their version of the tube). Was pretty impressed at my navigation skills. The wharf was FREEZING. On the boat i made friends with two irish guys who were lovely and who i ended up spending the rest of the day with and the night too - drunken irish bar shenanigans which ended in only an hour's sleep for me as my shuttle to the airport was at 5am.
Alcatraz was COLD. I mean i'm glad i went so that i can say i did it but i had much more enjoyment lunching again at the cheesecake factory,wiith the irish and then relaxng in union square for the arvo.
This morning (seems so long ago now) I had to argue (drunkenly) with the v america check in guy who wanted me to pay $25 to check my bag in. I must have gven him such a f*ck off attitude that he relented. As he should have! I arrived at LAX and after a ltttle wait, Frank swung by to pick me up. Just how excited was i upon seeing that my transportation was a gorgeous new black BMW with the roof off? Well.... pretty darn exicted!
So now we're in our hotel room at the hyatt... two more days left for me here in the usa... i'm sad to be leaving. It's been such an amazing holiday. There are definitely places i'd come back to, NY and San Fran being two of them. Hoping to get some sun tomorrow so i can relax by the pool. Have a very long flight ahead of me.
Ok well that's alll from the USA :( i'm sorry to say that but i'm looking forward to seeing everyone back home.
Natasha xx
PS This blog has been even more excruciating to write thann using sarah's german computer. I'm in bedusing the tv for the internet and the keyboard is AWRFFUL
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