Wow, its nearly over! it has gone soooooo quick! I cant believe its been almost a mmonth already! I only wanted to write to say.....I WENT TO THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!!!! How amazing is it!!! wow, i am really jealous now!
Well thats about it! haha!
Cant wait to see you punky! x x
Milan Urukalo
Hi Tash,
Glad to hear your enjoying the camping! And the 50 degree heat.
Uncle Enzo's 50th was lot of fun. We ended up in the Lion itself, getting thrown out by security at closing time. Uncle Mitch was dancing on the tables, and was quickly joined by 2 younger girls that wanted to dance on the tables with him. That definitely got security involved. Have photos to prove it.
Weather is still cold and wet. It was very foggy this morning.
Will be calling Brad tomorrow to finalise details of the trip. Looking forward to it.
We (with Auntie Branka and Tetka Alex) have been planning Deda's 80th - just next month.
Enjoy your last few days. We are looking forward to seeing you again.
All our love. Mum and Dad.
Hi nunnzy
Yes the canyon heli ride was awesome - i got a little motion sick too as i expected too (i get motion sick on simulator rides for heaven's sake!) but I knew it would be more that worth it!
Sarah and I HATE this camping thing! We had to share a room with a girl we don't like, and we had to share a bed and neither of us had pillows either. Boooo. And don't get me started on sharing bathrooms... Needless to say the Best Western we're currently in (which resembles the motels we used to stay in as kids), looked like the ShangriLa when we arrived!
There are a lot of au pairs because they get discount with intrepid. Most of the ones on my trip have spent a year on the east coast and are doing this before going home.
Dad I kned you'd be so jealous of the canyon! You would LOVE it. My only problem with it was that it wasn't crazy enough! I wanted more adrenelin!!
Enjoy uncle enzo's birthday...and say hi to everyone. xo
Hi Tash
The Helicopter ride is fantastic isn't it! When I did it I felt a bit of motion sickness. But it is the most amazing way to see the canyon isn't it!
I am soo jealous that you are camping. Enjoy it for me will you (even though from the sounds of it you are not looking forward to it!) Trust me it beats being in adelaide tenfold at the moment.
What is it with Germans and aupairing? On my tour there were a few German aupairs as well.
Anyway, enjoy yourself!
Milan Urukalo
Hi Tash,
Helicopter - I'm jealous. And over the Grand Canyon!
Good to see you're meeting some new people - disappointed (about the football) Germans. I can't believe there are another two girls from Adelaide.
Talking about Adelaide, actually don't because there's not much happening. Cold and rain is happening. We do have Uncle Enzo's 50th birthday this weekend. It's a surprise party at the Old Lion.
Baba is ok. Not back to her normal self, but we look forward to her getting back there.
Heard anymore from Uncle Mick?
Take care. Have fun. Dont' be too hard on those Americans - you are their paying guest!
Love Mum and Dad
Hey Hey Spunky!
Whats been happening in hip LA??!!! Its not as hip and cool as they say it is hey! bit dirty! Been coughing your lungs up from all the smog yet?!
Well things have been stressful and exhausting here. I love that the most exciting thing dad can think of is that the amplifier died! WOW we do live thrilling lives! Well work has sucked....Catherine my friend has quit and its her last day today! I got sent flowers to work from james last wednesday....SOOOOO embarassing! That is a whole another story which will be told upon your return. Had a quiet one this weekend, was in bed eating cold rock watching a movie by 10pm on sat night! getting pathetic in my old age! Bought some cool clothes! you will definitely like! ;) Hows the shopping there? Didnt buy anything on rodeo drive did you? You soo should have copied mighty ducks and been like "Can i have a whopper, large fries and a coke.....and what do you guys want?"......"YOU KIDS GET OUTTA HERE!!" hahaha got to love that movie!
Well i best be off to get some work done. Im in Boolaroo tomorrow! Have heaps of fun and looking forward to hearing all your amazing stories! :) x x x
Milan Urukalo
Hi Tash,
Mum and I went to Singapore House last nigh for our anniversary. Very nice place, good ambience, food was great, service was woeful. Got in at 7:30 and din't get our main until afte 9:00. Bumped into Brad and Matt who were there with some of their family.
I sorted you BAS statement - submitted a nil activity statement. So don't have to worry about that for another 3 months.
What else? The amplifier died, and can't be repaired. Had to buy a new one. That was exciting. Only happens once every ten years or so.
I think that's all the newsworthy stuff. Hope your enjoying yourself and making the most of the trip. Take care. All our love. Mum and Dad.
Milan Urukalo
Hi Tash,
What are you doing in Harlem? Are you guys nuts! Please tell me you will be out of there soon.
Baba was in hospital. Got out today. She had pneumonia, but not too bad. she went in last Thursday. Wasn't good when she went in but is very good now.
Sounds like your really enjoying NYC. Wish I was there (not in Harlem though). Take care.
All our love. Mum and
Milan Urukalo
Hi Tash,
There must be something youlike about the US that you have liked? Ok, it's only been a couple of days.
It is a bit scary that someone could leave guns laying around and unprotected like that. Also sad that you could imagine those funerals could be happenig every day.
We are catching-up with Cathy and Scott tomorrow night. They leave for the US next week. We will have to check and see if you guys cross paths at any stage.
We bought you a ticket to the Chicago concert.
Have fun, take care.
All our love. Mum and Dad
I know Tash they are so insular and cocooned. Have you asked them where Adelaide is, 99% of them have no idea! Even some don't know where Melbourne is Have you seen the houses with the flags at the front. And the car bumper stickers with "America the beautiful". It is another world.
Not surprised you were tired walking Washington. Best workout I had was walking Constitution Ave.
Hope you are enjoying yourself. Loving the posts, keep them coming!
Love Dxxx
Thanks for the vote of confidence family!
Milan Urukalo
Hi Tash,
Glad (relieved actually) that you made it ok and your well. Even auntie Branka was getting concerned.
You wouldn't like the weather here, very, very cold and wet!
Mum says she will stilll support England, blah, blah. Bought myself the Austalian blue tracksuit top.