I know you are all still waiting for photos but it is really difficult to get them on here because it takes so long to load them up. We have however managed to get about 50 onto Emma's facebook account so take a look we chose some of the best ones. Where did we leave you last?.... oh yeh, Penang and Kuala Lumper. Kuala Lumper was good but hectic and dirty that wasn't a bad thing though.We went to the patronus towers which has 88 floors, we walked accross the sky bridge at the 44th floor and saw the whole of KL, pretty impressive. If you are ever there go before 9am to the ticket office and you can get one of 4000 free tickets. Our's was for 4:30 so we went to the science museum and the Malay herritage center. Our Hostel was really nice but did have a few ticks kicking around! we met an American Tibbetan monk, didn't have any wisdom to empart just sat on his arse watching telly all day and eating pringles! worst monk ever!!! Went to the shopping malls and had the best Indian ever, watched the rugby at 3am,don't want to talk about that! Then we were getting a bit tired of big cities so we booked a bus accross to the south east coast to Tioman island. The original plan was to go north to the perhintian islands but due to it pissing it down we decided to out run the monsoon and head south. Tioman island is national park area and should really be labelled a zoo on account of all the animal wandering about. We woke up on our first morning to monkey's infront of our hut, very nice, except that they steal things you leave lying around and the locals get a bit upset with this and let off fireworks to scare them away! That same day we were sat on our balcony and a small monitor lizard was digging for ants in a bush about 20 feet away, we were so busy trying to get a better look we didn't see the monstor monitor that had appeared just at the foot of the balcony! Never moved so quickly in my life. It then proceeded to climb into the roof of our hut and camped there untill we left. We were peacefully having a drink in the shade a few days later when i happened to look up and see a rather large snake rapped around the beam of the roof just above our heads (moved quicker than when i saw the lizard!). We saw a commodo dragon by the pier this time it ran away from us. Oh and we hired bikes to go to the next bay and there were about 500 massive fruit bats hanging out of the trees, Yuk! Appart from the wildlife jumping out at us every five minutes we loved Tioman island, Getting up at 9/10/11 and going for a dip in the sea then having a brew on the beach in the sunshine. Lazing around on the beach all day or playing cards on the balcony, did a bit of fishing, had baracouder and blue marlin for tea (not caught by us!) not bad at all really. Stayed five days then made our way to Singapore which is where we are now. We are staying in the little India area which is celebrating the festival of lights at the moment, there's a market on a night lit up with so many colours and local crafts, lanterns, sari's and henna art (i had my hand done looks wicked). Went to the zoo which we highly recomend eventhough there were a few too many Chinese with flashing cameras tapping on glass, not very nice for the animals. Went to the center of town to the shopping district, nutts! a whole street of malls and plaza's!!!!! any way that's you all up to date so we will speak again in Borneo. Bye x x
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