Hope the arms getting a little less painful and wez is coping with the bags etc ok.
Off to see Finn on Friday evening, so excited! I'm 5 and a half months now and baby is very active - it tends to have a bit of a boogie at 12 midnight, 3 and 5 in the morning as well as throughout the day. It's a lovely feeling but quite strange at the same time!!!!! It was our 3 year wedding anniversary Tuesday so we had a nice meal etc - can't believe how quickly its gone.
I know you guys aren't that keen to come home, but we're looking forward to seeing you and for you to see bump.
Take care, hope we get to speak to you again soon
Kerry, Ian & bump xxxxx
Mike & Sal
Hi Mike here! We thought it was about time I sent a blog. It's Sunday and we've relived our trip by looking at the photos (on a laptop) with Nan & Grandad, looked at them again this afternoon and Kerry & Ian will suffer them this evening when they come round for a meal!
We've both had full weeks at work, including trips to London. We seem chilled, however this may just be jet-lag. Mine was worst on Tuesday and I had a meeting which turned out to be with people other than I expected, for a reason other than I had been told and about something other than I had been prepared for! I think it went well; can't be sure though!
Mitra seems to have forgiven us and is being very affectionate. Suspect this will wear off in time.
When Sal said that Gem had written a blog after her accident saying how wonderful Wes was being, I said, "Think about it, Sal, Gem's broken her arm, she can't be writing it, it must be Wes!"
It must be a real pain, Gem, in may ways. I hope it doesn't restrict you enjoyment much. If it means you are limited to just the safe, chilling (alcohol-free, I presume) stuff and precludes daredevil activities, your Mum will be pleased!
Take care and enjoy the rest of NZ before sunny Fiji.
Mike (& Sal)
Nat & Ollie
hi both,
sorry its been so long scince we have been in touch things have been pretty hectic here with the arrival of the bambino who by the way is absolutely gorgeous, and he is such a happy baby. have seen quite a lot of him since he was born and he is changing all the time, we went to see him on sunday and he was really wide awake and trying to lift his head up to look around. kirst is fine, and bob loves little finn too. sa w gran the other day, first time in ages as she has been looking after the pub for the last month, tim and jane are looking to sell up and buy a bar in spain so they have been busy looking for a premises.we haven't really been up to much just working. i went on a course in london for three days last week which was good, apart from i went out the night before i was due to go and didn't make it to bed so had to travel to london with no sleep, it was awful, dont think i have ever felt so bad!!!!!! me and ol went camping for a weekend to wales with another couple was a real good laugh, ollie did a spot of fishing, oh and wez hope you dont mind but we borrowed your tent, we fit four of us in it was a bit of a squeeze but atleast we were warm!!! think we will all have to go when you get back as long as its not too cold. have really missed you both, cant wait to see you and hear all your stories. love you loads love nat and ollie xxxxx
Mum And Mike
Hi both
Just wrote you a long long message and it hasn't appeared - b*****! so I'm just doing this as a test to see if this one arrives. I wont write another now, merely just say hallo and that we are home safe.
Kerry (Sis)
Had our 5 month scan on Friday, babies well. It wasn't in the mood for photos and kept hiding its face! It was fantastic to see it though and to see how its growing and watch its heart beat etc. We then popped in to see baby Finnlay, Kirsty, Steve and Liam. Finnlay is absolutely gorgeous, Ian and I both had a cuddle with him. Was quite wierd holding him knowing that I had one inside my tummy, just on a smaller scale!!
Still not got BT fixed up (phone or internet) so had to pop over to mum and mike's to check flight times, as we are collecting them from the airport today - their flights currently delayed by an hour, so we're filling time by messaging you!!
Anyway glad to see you're still experiencing new and exciting things, take care and keep safe
Dad & Geri
Hi Wes and Gem,
well it's been quite a nice week back here. Fin is looking lovely now he's back home and in his own clothes. We're in the middle of quite a busy weekend; Had a few after work last night, watch the rugby in the cap and gown, but as you may know, the result went against England, which put a downer on things for me, but Geri thought the South African players were better looking anyway! Tonight we've got a few of Geri's friends coming over for a night out in Worcester, so usual format: Few drinks at No15, then tything for beers and hopefully a late curry. Tomorrow we're off an a charity walk in Bromsgrove, so we're hoping that we're not too hung over. Tomorrow (Sun) night, we're taking Dad and Sylv up to Kirst & Steve's, because they haven't met the new prince yet!! Then we're back to work for the week, Claire's wedding on Saturday, and then Javea on Sunday (yipee! haven't been there for a year!)
Catch up soon, take care, Dad and Gig xxx
Sally And Mike
Hi both
In an internet cafe on Smith Street, Melbourne. Great to catch up on your news, photos and everyone elses messages. We had a fabulous time with you both and then onto other great experiences in Gippsland - penguins, emus, wombats, wallabies, rain forests, lyre birds and just wonderful wonderful scenery and scary isolated accommodation in forests next to a cemetry - good job you weren't with us Gem! Then back to Melbourne and out again up into the Grampians for the weekend. Staying in a log cabin with a mob of kangas in the garden alternating their floor show with emus. We had a glorious log fire and every morning bright blue fairy wrens sat on the window sill trying to peck their way into the kitchen! Great waterfalls and views - wonderful. Back in Melbourne on Monday night and now having 4 days in and around the city.
We'll be back Sunday morning so can start to speak to you on the phone once we are back.
Loads of love,
Mum and Mike xx
Kerry (Sis)
Hi Gem and hi uncle wez - wow, such exciting news!!!
Hope you're both well and still having lots of fun. Not sure if you have read your text messages lately but we no longer have a house phone or internet access!! Friday when we got back from work the line was dodgy and although the phone would ring you could not answer it, as it just kept ringing and ringing. So we phoned BT and they said they could send someone out to look at it, but that if the problem identified was our fault we would have to pay £120 call out charge then £100 p/hour for any work needed!!! They suggested anything inside was our responsibility and external wires were BT's. So we said we would phone back. We bought another phone to check and the same thing happened, we fiddled with all the wires (as if we knew what we were doing!) and still no joy.
So Saturday we decided to cut back the wysteria (not sure how you spell it - its the big tree/bush thing growing up and over our house!!!). Ian noticed that the branches have pulled the phone wires out. These are external wires, so we could possibly at this stage have argued it was BT's responsibility, however.... Ian got a bit snap happy and cut through one of the cables!!!!! - I don't think we can argue that was BT's fault!!! We are now waiting for BT to send someone out, who is going to charge us £120 just to pull on to the drive then £100 p/hour to fix it!!!!! Raaarrrggghhh!!!!
BT have diverted the house line to my mobile and reckon it should be the same cost if you call, however I'm not sure. So you'll have to try it and see!
The cats are well, we still have regular visits from Bentley, the deaf rescue cat and him and Toby seem to be friends as they rub noses!!! However this weekend things kicked off and they literallly had a cat fight - the neighbour had to split them up by turning the hose pipe on them - Bentley lost lots of fur and Toby had his ear bit through, so blood and tears were shed!!
Got our 5 month scan on Friday, so very excited, started to feel it moving now - tends to have a party most nights - early evening! Ian has felt it move once so is feeling more involved!!
Ian starts his Law degree tonight and is feeling scared and scared!!!! and a little excited! Fingers crossed he'll be fine.
Look forward to speaking to you soon, love Kx
Dad & Geri
Hi Both,
Great News! Kirsty and Steve have just taken delivery of a bouncing baby boy, by the name of Finlay John Lewis (b. 7 Sep 2007 at 8pm, no official weight yet, but I guess 7-8 lb). He is an absolute cracker! They're both doing well and hopefully we have spoken on the phone before you see this, but just in case....
Lots of Love, and we hope the next 6/7 weeks go quick (for us anyway).
Dad n Gig xxx
Dad And Geri
Hi Kids,
hope you're enjoying NZ. Are they all talking about the rugby? Anyway, I'm in Sweden for the week with Rich and Wad, doing some vehicle work in the south, so just a quick "Hi" today. Was great reading you're last post and seeing the pics. Sorry we keep missing you're calls, we're looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Love Dad n Gig xxx
Mitch won a dog show!
Dad & Geri
Hi You Two,
Hope you are both well, and I expect you're being well looked after by some recently arrived grown-ups! We've just had a bank holiday weekend here. The weather was glorious in Worcester, so we went north (where it wasn't!). We stayed in a smart hotel in Lancaster, and did our first walk in the Lake District, it took us 6 hours, so we were pretty knackered at the end of it. Still it was nice relaxing in the outdoor hot tub at the hotel when we got back. More news from home: Kirsty's had a false alarm, so she's busy making sure she's got everything prepared!; I'm off to Sweden to do some vehicle work next week; oh and you're Grandad has given up faaaarrrkin smoking in preparation for some upcoming treatment on his eyes! That's it for now, we'll be seeing you in 8 weeks, but for now, keep in touch,