Right... we're in Singapore! - we were suppossed to get a VIP bus which would have taken about 30 hours! - this was 22 hours on the bus with an 8 hour break!...
We checked out of our Bungalow, bid Thailand fair well and set off to transfer to our big VIP bus!... we waited round for aaaaaaaaaaggggeeeesss for the bus to pitch up! We jumped on and waited for the other people to join us!... to our shock this consisted of 3 drunks and a couple of odd balls from the bus company... to say we felt a little uneasy was an understatement! - we'd payed for this though so we continued on and headed for the pier. On arrival of the pier we had to wait for the ferry. Gem and I both had a gut feeling something was wrong!!! - so we made a snap decision to get our bags off the bus and head back to Samui. Now dear readers please don't think we're mental, we had to! - we both agreed before leaving that if something felt wrong we'd trust our instincts and follow them! - so we wasted some money... but hey...
We got back to Samui and booked the first cheap flight to Singapore the next evening (we still beat the bus!) infact we got the flight for a little more than the bus tickets in the end!... we had to catch the flight from Phuket (about 7 hours travel from Samui) then hang about in the airport waiting for our plane!... We made it in the end!
The flight was pretty turbulent on the way up... anyone who has ever flown with Gem will know that i had a crippled right hand during this!... turning different shades of purple!... :p
Once in Singapore we checked in, headed out for a quick bite to eat... (though i didn't find anything amongst the frog curry, pigs intestine and spine meat... yes... spine meat soup i fancied!) and literally fell on the bed and into a deep slumber! the next day we got up early and headed out into the 'big city'. The public transport here is great! - really easy to use and quick! - the UK really needs to take a leaf out of this malaysian book!... and clean!... we haven't seen a bit of dogs*** since we got of t'plane! (Peter Kay).
We went to the Zoo today which was amazing! there are no cages, just cleverly constructed natural barriers (water, ditches etc) so you feel like your in the jungle! We saw everything from monkeys to otters, giraffes to manaties (or sea cows if you prefer!).
Other highlights to the day in bullett format include (i'm waffling!)... 1. We saw a giant rat in the shopping centre near the door! there was lots of commotion and a rart flying all over the place... i think it was on the way out as it was slowly walking about... not diving for cover as they should do!... anyway in short it ended up brown bread which although it was only a rat was actually quite sad as it looked so vunerable as the shop keeper delivered her final blow with her broom handle!
We had a Pizza Hut (this may seem a little trivial to mention but when your starving all the time, it's a BIG deal!
oh we have nowhere to stay tomorrow night so we have to go hunt for a room! nobody seems to have private rooms left! I fear we may experience our first night in a dorm!
Right - i think thats about all from us! - it's bed time!...
Love Wes and Gem xx - P.S. this blog is soooooo long as i had to take full advantage of the FREE internet in our hostel!..
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