Well I fell lucky and managed to get a flight to Hanoi in the end, a cancellation. I'm glad too as Ive spoken to a few people who took the bus and it was a complete nightmare. I arrived yesterday morning, and got completely ripped off by the bus driver, didnt actually realise until he'd gone. Nevermind! He'd also dropped me off by some lake and told me that it was a different one (just what kind of place needs two lakes anyway) so I managed to get very lost! Eventually got my bearings and found a nice hotel, it have air con and a TV, its great.
Hanoi is so busy and chaotic. The roads are a complete nightmare. Theres so many motor bikes and it doesnt seem to me that anyone actually looks where they are going. So crossing the road is a bit treacherous. I've found the best way is to not look....just go and hope for the best ha ha. I bumped into Ian and Maggs last night, I met them in Laos. If you read this you guys, hope you enjoy the rest of vietnam. Take care and watch out on the roads ha ha.
Tonight I'm going to Sapa for a couple of days. Will be doing a bit of trekking and staying with a local village. It looks pretty good from the pictures I've seen but will let you know. Right best go now, I'm heading out to do something cultural before I leave Hanoi!
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