Day 62
Spent the whole day revising for a mid term, the material is so dense and it's so hard to understand. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail.
Day 63
My initial thoughts after taking the exam were that maybe I hadn't failed, I'll have to wait and see for the results. Every Tuesday night I refuse to do any work because of my hectic 8am - 7pm schedule. It is becoming quite a habit therefore to go to Coldstone and get 2 for 1 ice creams - I should mention we normally have 1 each and the split the cost, I'm trying to prolong the inevitable American-style weight gain. I haven't summoned the courage to weigh myself yet, I hope I haven't put on too much weight! While we were at the mall I always bought the finishing touches to my Halloween costume - some grey hairspray.
Day 64
Had a meeting with an academic advisor and basically sold her my sob story of how much work I have and whatnot. She was very sympathetic and gave me some direction on what I should be doing, I've chosen a schedule that should be more manageable for next year - including a music elective entitled 'history of the rock era'! Should be fun!
Day 65
A pretty unremarkable day that was made a lot better by having a skype with the Pershore - Lancaster massif. It really made me want to go to the pub with them though, dammit I miss pubs!
Day 66
Started off terribly - I braved an orange from the canteen thinking 'how bad can a canteen orange be'? I gravely mis-underestimated how terrible this ordeal would be. There were so many pips it took me about half an hour to eat - I counted how many there were at the end and the result....38 pips! I took photographic evidence I was so shocked, I have stayed clear of said devil-oranges since then.
A pretty good Friday night though, I went to a house party where it turns out many of them are part of the African dancing society. So there were loads of drums, cool rhythms and African dancing that was fascinating. I got the impression that this was not a standard house party! There were however some idiots thinking they could join in by hitting a wok rhythmically, very embarrassing. After the party wound down some kind people drove me home...via the supermarket. I was confused as to what they could be doing at a closed supermarket at 3am. It turns out they were 'dumpster diving', something I thought was only engaged in by desperate hobos and racoons. Apparently they found some "fresh" pizza dough and I honestly could not believe what was happening. My friends will know that I don't like seeing food going to waste but this was taking things a step too far I feel.
Day 67
Lazy day, buffs lost - they've now won 3 lost 4. There was a college inn table tennis tournament in the evening so I thought i'd turn up in fancy dress - I wore all my tennis gear including headband and I looked...awesome. The lucky welsh bandana didn't fail me and I won the tournament and $10 of itunes vouchers. It should be noted that this tournament wasn't exactly Wimbledon, there were about 5 players, it seemed any good table tennis players with any sort of social lives were out drinking and not available on Saturday night. Oh well their loss!
Day 69
Listened to Cardiff win 4 - 0 against Leeds - I really think we could get automatic promotion - I could feasibly go and see Man Utd vs Cardiff next season!!! Then went to the library for many hours. The weather has changed drastically - it has suddenly become cold and windy and the northern jacket was first used. In fact it was so windy I had weird dreams about it and wrote in my phone, "oh **** it's the end of the world"
Day 70
More ice cream at coldstone, ping pong
I have been having increasingly bad static shocks from things in my room, apparently they're more common in dry places like Colorado, it's getting really annoying - I'm scared to touch anything and I'm pretty sure the shocks are what caused my headphones to stop working. I might have to get a humidifier to rectify this issue.
Day 71
The college inn hall council organised a 'ghost hunt' around campus which was surprisingly eerie even for someone as sceptical as me. We went to sites of murders and tried to record for any paranormal activity. While many of the locations were creepy at 1 am I was unsurprised to see that we didn't meet any ghosts, the strange thing though was when we brought the tape home and played it there was a sudden strange shift in the background noise - and we were inside for this one so it wasn't the wind. Curious.
Day 73
1st day of Halloweekend. We started by going to Chipotle (a takeaway burrito place) for dinner. The food was good and the best thing about it was after charming the manageress with my accent I was given it for free! Result! God bless America!
Halloween take 1 - after getting back from Chipotle we dressed up and went out to the hill to try and get into a frat party. Unsurprisingly the girls were let in while me and a few others were left to wander around the hill looking for somewhere to go. After an unsuccessful trek we went back to the dorm and watched airplane. What a classic movie.
Day 77
Halloween take 2 - A similar sort of setup to Friday night, we started though by going down to pearl street for the 'mall crawl'. The street was packed with people in costumes wandering around talking to each other and we met some very interesting characters -the teletubbies, a 'banana streaker' (see pictures), jesus and the gayest ghost buster ever. After this we met up with a friend of a friend who said he knew where a party was. This really was a case of the deaf leading the blind. The guy was wasted and took us on an hour long goose chase before we gave up and went home. When walking home we overheard some students walking passed with a quote that sums up the stoned boulder student "honestly crystal meth is pretty good" We then played a bit of drunk ping pong - I still won (of course).
I found out I got 29/30 on my lab report, I was so happy I went and got some celebratory ben n jerrys
To conclude this blog entry I thought I'd give you some phone entries about my increasingly bizarre dreams:
"nematodes active science teachers"
"Replacing alan davies on QI"
"zombie bus scam"
"Cardiff city, never offside"
I've concluded I need to write more so I can remember what exactly happened, the first dream I have no recollection of while the second three are hazy at best.
Hope you've enjoyed reading, check out the photos if you haven't already seen them on facebook!
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