PART 2...
So get on the bus, turns out to be a small one so theres only 20 of us, and the driver is a bit of a clown and actually crashed the bus on a previous trip!! So the confidence was there to start with!! Got to a first stop after about 4 hours, which was a Croc farm where they openly admit they breed them to be turned into handbags and stuff. But seriously the guys that worked their were nuts and it made every other zoo i have ever been to look like disneyland as Kate put it!! Talk about getting close to the crocodiles!! I could literally pet its head leaning over the fence and i'm not talking about some baby croc with he's mouth taped up i mean massive 5 meter long crocodiles that would kill you in a second! Anyway the keepers jut got in and fed them and stoked their heads with a rake, at one point one of them bit on to the rake and just flung it and broke it! We got some good pictures and even got to hold a snake and some other weird and wonderful lizards!! I was fine with this where as Kate didnt really like it and at one point i was contemplating not helping her as the snake headed for her face and tightened round her boob!! haha! After this we jumped back on the bus for our last leg which was only going to be about 3 hrs! How long did it take us i hear you say!! 5 and half!!! Couldn't believe it 30 mins out from cairns and this bus decide's to get a flat tire... ooohhh fantastic. We're in the middle of nowhere, the tire is rusted on, its roasting hot and cars just keep driving past and bibbing!! So what do we do... thats right find a ball and start playing football!! haha. Me and Scott, who i met on the bus that day just done that and left everyone else to help the driver!! ha!! Turns out a passerby helped, but this did take 2 hrs, and we were soon on our way, with no help from me or Scott!!
Get to Cairns at about 7pm in the end so done the quick S's and headed down to the local haunt called the Woolshed! A place like you get on a lads holiday with party games etc!! Basically there was about 10 of us that hung out together and we just got drunk and got to bed around half 4! Next day after checking out our hostel which was really nice with aircon, big pool and bar/club attached we head to the Lagoon for a swim was a lovely day and just sat in their for hours chatting and getting wrinkly! Met a few more people and planned to go out that night again. This time we went to the club underneath our hostel and a few other bars (i think!?). Had an even better night, with me, Scott, Katie and a girl called Kat that i met plus 2 other lads being the last ones standing. I didn't get to my bed till about half 5 and was up at 8!! Think i have Insomnia as i cant sleep at all at the moment literally about 3 hrs a night at the most!!
The next day was by far the most drunk i have been all my trip!! Me, Scott and Katie went to a pub called the Crown and about midday, we had something to eat, Katie went off to look round the shops and us 2 thought it would be good to start drinking! Only no drink was allowed to be the same and we set up a bar tab!! I text Kat and Katie to try get them involved as well but they weren't, Kate was gone a few hours and Kat just come and joined in for a little while. Put it this way both of us should be dead or at least have had alcohol poisoning. We've infact got the list of what was consumed so ill post it on Facebook. Had a class day though talking dribble and even made it out until around 4/5am before crashing out!! (actually have some more funny stories but don't really want mum to hear!! haha.. so message me if you want!) Again up early the next day and felt rather rough. Kat left that day so said bye to her, plus some more peolpe were coming out now as they had finished their PADI course.
So a couple more days and nights of drinking followed! This was only because it rained the whole time and there was much more we fancied doing!! Oh and even scott somehow managed to suck a straw up he's nose whilst taking the pee out of Kate being extremely drunk the previous night, i have never seen so much blood!! Also check out the drunk pictures of Spinksy, i'm surprised she wasn't sick!! Then again im surpriised non of us was over the 4 days we were in Cairns! I had a class few days and spent them with some great people mainly being, Scott, Kat, Nicole, Shaf and Rob. However we all moved on today and i'm now sitting in my hostel in the middle of nowhere! Alice Springs!! Been on a 2 hour flight this morning, which was empty and seemed to only take 10 minutes! Its baking hot and theres loads of flies. Back on the bus tomorrow at a ridiculous 5.30am to go out to ayers rock!! Really looking forward to it and actually the detox from all th alcohol we've drunk the last week.
So ill say bye for now, i'm back to travelling and not on a weeks holiday like last week felt like!! Hopefully i wont get bitten alive or kidnapped by any Aborigines!!
Ill be in touch x
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