Alex lost in India-plus skips, blind leading blind
Okay Plan slightly changed from last journal entry. Life has been so hectic over the last week and a half I'm sorry I haven't updated. Gaz and Dave continue to be a terrible influence on us keeping us up till dawn every night. But we've been having a really good laugh. We decided not to go to hampi in the end and to spend em's last few days in Baga. This was fine except the train fell through and as a result skips ended up getting the most expensive flight in india, but as you can see from msg she's back home safe and sound. I can't believe what an amazing month we've had. 4 weeks of two girls spending every minute of every day together and not one arguement- amazing. Skps if you're reading this I had a brilliant time and love you to pieces and miss you loads. However I can't believe you left me with Gaz and Dave for a week. Considing the reason they are in Goa is that they were supposed to be going to New Zealand. Got so excited talking about it one night drunk that they snowboarded down the stairs and Dave broke his leg. Ridiculous, can't believe i've managed to find some guys as stupidly mad as you lot at home. We've been doing a lot of touring around local beaches and things on scooters. Also the lads took me wake boarding a couple of times. First didn't get up at all the second time I got up but only for a few seconds. It was a really good laugh though and i can't wait to get into it when I get back to england. Been spending a lot of time on the beach. Found this amazing bar where you can lye on sunbeds about 2 metres from the sea and watch the sunset whilst drinking 50p cocktails and having massages for the same price. The beaches in both baga and palolem are stunning. I'm now back in Palolem as of yesterday. Had one last night in Baga with Gaz and Dave. Gaz had spent the night before in hospital as it had cellulitis of the foot following a bee sting. Took me about 3 hours to convince him that drinking after IV metrinidazole was deffinately a bad plan!! Away we ended up out till 5am even though we had to leave for their flight at 6. Dave actually feel out of the taxi at the airport, am so suprised they were allowed on their flight. Since getting back to Palolem I've just been having a real chill out, although my week with the guys was fun I need to relax. My best memory has to be one night drinking with open-mic and Dave doing his one string special version of the holvis advert (you know the one with the guyand bike up the hill) and some random dredlocked man called steve playing the bongos. That was one amoung many. Tomorrow have some guys I met in Baga coming to join me. Bo a kiwi whos in the New Zealand national ultimate frisbee team- boys promise will introduce. A couple of lads from england Martin, Ian and Al, the first two have been travelling with Bo for a while and they have lots of stories which is cool. So I'm sure the hecticness will recommence for a couple more days till I go back to bangalore probably on thursday or friday. Hopefully also going to do dolphin spotting trip and maybe parasailing. Well the massive bowl of fresh fruit salad (pineapple, papaya, watermelon, banana etc...) has worn off so think will go and have a quid costing fresh seafood salad. Oh life is so hard and then lye on the beach all day reading my book. The bangalore convent seems a million miles away yet i'll be back in a week. Missing you all loads and will update later in the week. Love always Alex xxxx
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