Backpack Party!!
Well hello again, friends and companiates...(did I just make that word up to sound intellegant???)lol. Hope that you are all fine and dandy??
I am now in Sunny Uraguay!!(or "you are a gay" as some very immature people have taken to calling it...hmm hmmm..) well, actually, I am in Montevideo to be precise (aka Montes Video...)
We arrived at stupid o clock this morning after an eventful bus journey from Florionapolis, which amongst a lot of other things consisted of me being woken up by the equivilent of the trolley dolly to inform me of present status every ten minutes, as I made the mistake of speaking in Portuguese to him. He was tapping me on the shoulder and saying stuff like "mm, excuse me madam, yes, well,we are now at a set of traffic lights somewhere south of Brasil...I think that the driver may be about to turn right, but I think we may be waiting here for two minutes or so first...I just thought that you ought to know..." Well, he wasnt quite that bad, but nearly!!!
Even Mum said to Paul, "if he wakes her up one more time, she is gonna t**t him!!!lol. Yeah, it was funny for them, they were left alone because they couldnt speak any Portuguese!!!!
Anyway, we were on the "executive service" which meant that we were served drinks sperodically, and given a gross cereal bar to chomp on in a vain attempt to mask the overwhelming feeling that we were losing the will to carry on after being on the bus for 16hours already!!!hehe.
We also got a ticket for a buffet and a drink at a service station (hey we actually got quite a good deal considering that the ticket cost us 50 quid each and the bus journey alone was 20 hours!!)
However, afterwards, when we got back on the coach, we unfortunately discoverred that the guy nearest to us must have eaten something dodgy, and was excreting some kinds of noxious gases at random intervals...they really did wiff!!! One of them even woke me from my slumber it smelt so bad!!! nd anybody who knows my sleep patterns knows that that is a mighty strong barf!!! Then, to make matters worse, Mum decided to save herself from the agony of the unescapable and unstoppable stench by coverring her nose with a Eucyliptus wipe!! So tjhen I had a potent mixture of stomach contents and Vix vapuor rub swirling around my that poinnt I proceeded to shove my head under my blanket and tell myself "only 6 hours to go, Vicky. you can do it, just breathe!!! repeatedly, until I fell baxk to sleep again!!!
Anyway, I managed to survive, somehow, and alighted the bus, lungs in tact.
We arrived at the Red Hostel at about 7 o clock this morning, where I promptly washed my face and got into bed...and slept until noon. (I would have probably slept quite contently until tomorrow if it wasnt for Mum waking me up teling me to go and eat some French Bread!!(!"!$"#$&%&)
Anyway, the real reason that she woke me up was because we all had to go and buy our tickets to Buenes Aires on Monday by boat. (oh joy. I just love..that feeling of wanting all your internal organs to exit via your mouth when I get onto a boat...should be jolly good fun!!)lol.
So we walked about 4 miles to the port and were then sent on a wild goose chase because none of us can speak Spanish! (Paul was armed with a Spanish phrase book, but its powers are questionnable.) I have now resolved to try and learn a wee bit of Spanish, too, (if I dont get too confused with the Portuguese man that lives in my brain, too!!)lol, as I cannot bear the thought of being on a continual chase-for -the-goose for the next 6 weeks!!!lol. (And I think Mum may combust if she has another day like today in a Spanish speaking country- I could see the vein in the side of her head starting to pulse!!!lol)
Eventually, we were rescued by the discoveryof a tourist office, where the woman spoke English, and told us that the place that we actually needed was the building that we had passed about 20 times already!!!!tsssskkkkk.
We got the tickets booked for Monday, anyway. Thats the most important thing.
Afterwards, we went and had a REALLY nice meal at a resteraunt near the port. I was a bit put out though because I orderred Pailla under the impression that it would contain no meat, and it arived with a big chunk of da chicken in it, oh,and half a cow for good measure.
I wasnt going to eat it, until mUm fished it out for me and gave me that scary-Mary look that she does so well, and said through gritted teeth "It was probably cooked in a seperate pan, Vicky!!!!!!!!!) In other it, or else....
It was really nice actually.
Then Mum proceeded to get rather drunk on a cheap bottle of plonk that cost about 3 quid, but was really good! (I even had taste!!!!) Then she suddenly developed a liking for cats, which has never actually existed before today, and then she was the one getting scary-Mary looks off the waiters and waitresses when she picked up the cat at the table and started to feed it Chantilly Cream from off of her strawberries.I bet that cat thought that Crimbo had arrived early this year!
But now, I am not so happy, sat back at the Hostel. Well, I am happy, but my bum just REALLY HURTS!
You are probably wandering why I would mention this, but I do have a reson, honestly!
I got a lil too quick on the feet on the way down the stairs at the resteraunt, and decked it right on my ass.
No amount of ghetto proection could have prevented the pain experienced when I feel onto that wood!!(Damn it! Why did the resteraunt have to be so nice, and polish the wooden floor!??!)
To make matters worse, the good looking waiter just had to be stood there at the bottom looking at me dumbfounded as I landed in a heap at his feet.Great.
Then he said, "hey lady...take it easy!" To which I wanted to respond, "dont you patronise me, why, you little...." but, I thought better of it when I realised that he probably wouldnt have understood me , anyway, so I just smiled through the pain, and said "gracias".lol.
Anyway, Im off now.
Some really annoying people have just decided to re-enact a bullfight ("######$%/&) Yes, this is the quality of some of the individuals that can be found in hostels everywhere...and, I fully intend to go and lie on my bed and feel sorry for myself as my butt is really rather sore! (cant wait to see the bruise on that! NOT!!)
Anyway, take care everyone!! Speak to you all soon!
And try and post pics soon as poss!!
Love you loads!!
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