Hi Viv and Jon P.S. you better fill me in???? well we are enjoying your latest trip and showing us the world....fantastic... I see Jen has been intouch. Football started it pre season and my team beat hers . I haven't heard from her this week....Bruce and I went to Portland and had a very big feed of crayfish and prawns I did think of you because you were here last year and we went to the night races...how long will you be away this time or are you coming this way again....love to you and all your bueat freinds I read about on your msg board. Bruce said HI XXXX
Joe And The Team At Work
Hey Viv,
What a fantastic surprise. We got your delivery today and, after the initial shock, we sent Andy to Sainsburys to buy limes, and Maria to the local boozer to get ice (she does have a good relationship with them after all). Marcus and Sarah crushed the fruit, Simon poured the shots and then we all savoured our first Vivian local brew (at Friday night nibbles as promised). Click on the link to see the photo.
Andy's had two already and Paul's giggling in the corner. We're missing you lots and can't wait to hear from you soon - and see what March has in store!!
Lots of love from everyone here. We hope you're having a fab time. x
Hey ViV!
Great pics! And you look really good!
Have Fun as always, let you know more by email.
Take care,
Kirsten x
Okay and I need to spell check.
Forgive me - it has been a looooooooooooooooong day.
I have just finished taking my thrid Network rail brief of the day and am looking forward to a drink. You, however, are having a much better time and I am very jealous. The photos all look fantastic! Missing you lots and lots here - especially Sam who is now gettign the daily calls from Toni Harvey :(
Looking forward to hearing your next installment.
Take care
Looks like you're having a lovely time. you lucky lucky cow!
Hi Viv,
Looks like you are having a fab time, can't wait to read more soon. Things here are good and the team can't wait to get their first bottle of the local brew from you - remember?? We'll have it on Fri drinks and send you a picture - it will almost be like you will be here with us - except for the sun you're getting of course!!
Anyway - got to go. It's Tuesday and deadline day!!
Lots of love, Joe
Yo Viv!!!
sounds all so wonderfull and fun and exciting......My face turned a bit green reading your stories !
Just great to hear from you. I´m really curious about the pics. Who´s John btw....Did you also met in OZ...
Safe travels mate and heaps of Fun!
CU Kirsten
Hi Viv!
We went to Parati, I loved it! Quite swanky I seem to remember, but fantastic for the caipirinhas in the square at night. And also the ice cream shop where you pay by the weight... I think I spent most of our skimpy budget in there.
Carnaval will be amazing, have a fantastic time. Did you do a tour of the favelas yet? Well worth it.
No news re Baby Magee - is it wrong to call my unborn child a little b*****?! It shows no signs of coming any time soon and I am huge - but will keep you posted.
Lots of love xxx
Hola Bibienne! Que Pasa!?
Glad to hear you're having a splendid time. Can you answer a questions for me? Chow chow are arguing over your latest posting. Did you take the two pictures on there. One of us reckons you did and one of us reckons you didn't.
Hi Viv, cant believe you are gone again.............take care of yourself and enjoy, look forward to your photos and emails and look forward to catching up with you again in the Summer for Indian, Thai, Belgian Beers, Barbeque!! (not all in one go thou) Lesley & Markxx p.s. hope your cold got better rapidly
Jenny & Darcy
Hi there "Getabout Gal"..........it all looks and sounds wonderful. We have just returned from Hervey Bay which is across from Fraser Island(Queensland)...we went for 4 days to a wedding - we had a fun time. We're in the throws of organising our trip to Italy and Greece so we expect to arrive in London around the 8th October so if you're about the place, a night or 2 on the town will be expected!! Continue to enjoy all those new experiences, with love, J&D xx