Sounds like you're having a great time already. just seen your Turkey pictures - the whether here is - to put it bluntly - s***e!! Not much has changed since you left (a whole two weeks ago).
It's Yaw's leaving do tonight - and all the girls (yes, that includes John Mc Hugh) are going to a rollerdisco so there is plenty of scope for me to injure myself and call out at least on of the emergency services.
Take care!
Maria xx
Iain Wells
Hey Viv, I've emailed you contact details for Brisbane and Sydney and my friends all say BDO tickets sell out real quick so best book up on Friday 14th (or more like Thursday for us). Let's hope it's not another Glasto rush!
Iain Wells
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Viv, but the St Kilda festival is taking a break next year :o( Which is a real shame because that and the Big Day Out seemed like an ideal Glasto replacement for Mads and me next year. Still, maybe we'll still consider coming over for the Big Day Out... I've emailed my contacts in Sydney and Brisbane and I'll let you know when I get a reply from them.
Katherine Honan
BonVoyage. When are you off. I'm back in Blighty beginning of Nov. I'll keep track of you and may catch up with you somewhere. Having a great time in Spain - off to Croatia next summer. May contact Work on my return to see if they need me! Good luck Viv - love Katherinex
Lorraine Newman
Can't believe how quick it has come round. What an adventure, I hope you enjoy every heartbeat of it and gather some beautiful memories. Just think of all the wonderful new friends you are going to make. You go girl and keep safe. XX
Iain Wells
Wow! The dawn of your greatest adventure! Im almost as envious as you must be excited. Try not to think of us too much, but if you do then make sure its while tasting some exotic beer. Oh, and if you do stumble across a desert island full of semi-naked hunks and supermodels, surrounded by the charred remains of an airliner, then try not to tell us how it all ends! :o)
Bradley Martin
Bon voyage Viv!
Hopefully I'll be joining you for drinx next week. If you see richard park on your travels - do send him our best! :-)
Lesley Rich
Hi Viv, the Saturday night clan drinks will never be the same again who is going to drink the doubles with me now!! Have fun, look after yourself and cant wait for the photos and gossip on your travels. Lol Lesleyx
Julie Davis
Good luck woman! Be safe and keep in contact. Looking forward to lots of photos on the photo album tab. Enjoy living on the cusp and I hope you have lots of lovely experiences and memories to treasure. x
Lizzie Geddes
Hey Viv. The very best of backpacking luck to you and I cannot wait to read your titillating tales. Love Lizzie