Videos its been a few days since the last update, i can tell you its been an EXPERIENCE! One that i haven't liked that much but i guess seeing the world and how other people live isn't al\ways going to be a bed o bed of roses! So in the last update i told you we had booked a train to Agra for the following day. So we woke up early, got a tuk tuk to the train station only to find that 'we hadn't confirmed out tickets the night before and that we were only weight listed for the train and not guaranteed to be on it' We were not best pleased as you can imagine with 50,000 Indian men following us and trying to make conversation when all we wanted to do we get out of the place. Anyway a station guard took us to a local 'tourist information office' where we got ripped off BIG TIME! An hour and a half later we had spent 6480RS on a taxi and driver aka guide to take us from Delhi to Agra and from there onto Jaipur the following day, and then a overnight train from Jaipur to Jodhpur. This should have cost us something like 30 pounds but actually cost us 80!
Anyway Viji, our diver/ guide was quite nice but would nit stop pressuring us to stay in accommodation ;his friends' owed where he could get us a good discount however what this really equated to was that he also got a free bed for the night and wouldn't have to sleep in the car! I'm afraid after our not so good exposure to India so far and the fact that we had just shelled out 3 times what we should have we simply didn't care and opped to stay in places in 'THE BOOK' that's the lonely Planet obviously!.
Anyway on a good note Agra was not as busy as Delhi, but only by the slightest percentage. We saw the Taj Mahul at sunset which was actually quite special. Very calming and beautiful. So that's one of the wonders of the world to cross of my list! We still didn't feel happy here as the people just do not let up, its constant. We had dinner ( or i did, Tara still hasn't eaten to this day, poor thing) on a rooftop restaurant with views of the Taj. Very pretty, but as the sun had set a while ago it was getting dark fast and out the idgy widgy's came. With only the candle light to see i decided i was full 2 mouthfuls into my food and we retired to our room for a sewing lesson....! lol! Yes tar and i started to sew he badges i'd collected from Europe onto my bag - how exciting i hear you say, but wait that wasn't the best bit.....we also played cards and listened to the i-pod through the earphones in stereo!
Next day we travelled 6 hours by car to Jaipur which was 20 times cleaner and less manic than Delhi. Again we Viji took us to another 'friends' hotel but it was way out of the city so we refused to get out of the car and insist we go to 'The Books' recommendation, The pearl Palace, which was actually a Palace compared to the past 3 places we'd stayed, and it was the cheapest to date 6 pounds for the night, lovely shower - so it was time to wash my hair for the first time! It was so very clean and best of all no bugs what so ever! But with our luck so far this trip it wasn't going to last long .......during the day we saw all the sights so there wasn't anything left to so the following day so we decided to give jodhpur a miss and head straight to Goa via mumbai which meant being up at 5am! so we didnt really get much sleep in the only nice place we'd stayed so far! lol! see i told you ......
Anyway Goa was the best place we went to in India, a lot more relaxed. Nobody pulling you this and pushing you that, it was only very quiet because the season hadn't started yet. So everything was still packed away from the monsoon season which actually ended this week. It was very expensive to stay here also so again we were faced with a decision, what do we do. Tara, bless her really wanted to come to India and love it, it was her little baby but every day her heart has been sinking and sinking so we had a chat and thought maybe it would be best to start over the trip again somewhere fresh rather than false our self to stay somewhere where we were not enjoying ourselves, i mean what is the point in doing that. I am a bit disappointed that we didn't stick it out longer but at the time i just wasn't happy, i was upset because Tara was disappointed and it really did seem like hell...maybe we didn't give ourselves enough time, i mean i must admit it sounds ridicules that we went to India planning to be there 6 weeks and we couldn't even seem to last 1 ! But with everything else going on it was the options were stay and be miserable, go home! ( for me that is not even an option, iv wanted to do this for so all know that) or simply move onto somewhere else......which is exactly what we did.
Yesterday afternoon ( 28th Sept) we left Goa, flew back to Mumbai - where we had been just 24 hours earlier and waited 10 hours, yes 10 hours! for a transfer to Bangkok....and i'm glad to say we are back somewhere we both know and love, Khao San Road and i tell you i feel like a weight has been lifted. We'r both very tired though but now i feel i can start over and stop calling and emailing you beautiful people crying telling you how unhappy i am. I am really sorry about those times mummy,Wicks and Hays,sorry for making you upset to but without you i would probably be on a flight with Tara back home! CC and Vic thanks to you to.
Missing you all like crazy but maybe now im somewhere i know i love i will start to chill out, relax and enjoy before moving on to Laos. We might hang out on one of the islands for a bit before that, who knows we are just gunna get back in a mental state to continue this journey....the Indian sim still works here so gunna keep that going for a while.
Mummy - safe trip home from Spain today with your girlies, i hope you still managed to enjoy even though you were so worried about me
Anna - love you loads, i cant believe we have spoken more than we do at home since iv been away ! lol LYLAS
Doris - Hope yesterday was a birthday to remember, love you lots to
Jojo - you were the first to make me cry with your blog entry, thanks for working out how it all works. How are you feeling?!
Tracy - The pics are gorgeous, she is a princess for sure, i guess mummy and daddy are both super proud of her already. I tell you i am so pleased and happy for you both. Well done, my presents arriving with Hays xx
Dadda - What's the latest with the flight? Book it NOW! OR ELSE!!!!
Nans - No message on the blog yet? Are you having trouble?
Everyone else, email, call, txt and let me know how you are, love and stuff or simply keep updating my message board on here
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