So Kids we have arrived in Delhi! What can i say........its very Hard work. People constantly stare and follow us. They even stop us just for a chat as if they were long lost friends. They were probably genuine people and just wanted to chat but being 2 girls on their first day in India we were not really up for it, however they remained persistent maybe it was because we are the only white tourists ......which i am finding really hard to believe, obviously people do not come to Delhi. Tars freaked out BIG TIME and wanted to go back home when we arrived, so i had to play the strong one and sort us out ( even though i was scared as hell on the in-side)! Its amazing what you can do when you REALLY have to !!!! and now I'm proud. These people are like animals they can smell fear a mile off, so its the hard nosed women for now on, well at least for the next few weeks anyway.
We saw so many monkeys and cows roaming the streets when we arrived,and I'm talking on the main motorways !That was really surreal, i was really taken aback at how everyone thought this was normal and didnt blink an eyelid. There was even a cow feasting on plant pots for breakfast outside our Hotel when we got there. But to the Indians i guess this is no different from stray cats or even foxes going down the black sacks! After checking out the hotel we hired a taxi with guide for the day which cost us 600RS (7 pounds) and last nights 2 course dinner cost us 1 pound each!
So, despite everything being so cheap we have decided that we want to move on from here ASAP partly because of the intrigued people who have seemed to have taken a real liking to us ( I forgot to mention that people keep asking to have a photo taken with us!)and the fact that we saw everything there is to see here yesterday. We have just booked a train to Agra ( home of the Taj first thing tomorrow) But today will will check out the Main Bazaar, but nan its ok, we will not visit any markets so you can relax! Just booked put 3AC train and 'i cant wait' ! take a look But i guess its all part of the EXPERIENCE!
SO MUM.....IT MEANS ANOTHER NIGHT WITH THE DEAD FLIES! oh i tell you iv turned into a Hard case! So tell those brothers of mine, they best not sleep in my bed! lol! xx
We also had a fun time yesterday purchasing me a SIM card! The guy wanted my passport and a pic of me, so went to next door to the photo studio which was in a loft! it was a funny experience again, but i made sure Tar was with me. Anyway the number is ......... you wouldn't believe this but the bloody phone has died on ... this second! I'll post it on the Blog when i can charge the phone ( another story.....Tar told me to take my europe adaptors put my case and laughed at me so hard for thinking we'd need them, so what happens, YES you guessed it, we get here and surprise surprise India uses the euro plug point! So we're off now to try and buy a couple of adaptors.
Anyway when you do finally get the number please please txt and call me ( if nothing else to keep me sane for the next 6 weeks in India) I want to hear all the goss as i always do and what's up and new with people. But most importantly don't want you all to forget me.......
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