Yay!! Im super happy this morning, thats 2 nights now I've not been bitten and we managed to sleep through to our alarm going off at 5.45am! I got a much better sleep last night, still wakening a couple of times though but glad I had an early night. And I'm still truely scarred with bites from Zanzibar!
On the road by 7am and headed south going up the mountains, the views were amazing! Yesterday on the long truck journey Greg pulled names out of a hat and matched everyone up with a partner, and then informed us that we would be stopping at a local clothes market and we had to buy a fancy dress outfit for the partner we were given! It was so much fun, there was so many crazy clothes to choose from. It was probably all the clothes we put to charity shops back home that we were buying but it was cheap as. We had to keep the outfits a secret from each other till the evening.
We reached Kande Beach about 1.30pm in time for lunch and an afternoon to relax or do activities in the lake. The heat was unbelievable when we arrived and it was scorching walking on the sand to pitch our tents. It wasn't long after we arrived we realised there was no bottles of water to buy because of the fuel situation they were unable to get any supplies in. It was pretty hot to be without any drinkable water, Greg started to boil well water but it still didn't look very clean.
Anyways the coolest place to be was in the water so that's where we spent the whole afternoon! I am completely torn between whether Zanzibar or Lake Malawi was prettier, it is also totally breathtaking here and i had the time of my life this afternoon (despite thinking I was going to die at one point). I feel so lucky being able to experience such an amazing country, it's somewhere that I'll never forget.
So my adventures this afternoon started off with having a gentle swim with Nicole and Phoebe, and playing frisbe with the others in the group. When I stupidly suggested swimming out to Kande Island! Greg told us its possible to swim out, but the current can get strong closer to the island and it's 1km in a straight line.
Of course my two auzzy partners, Nicole and Phoebe agreed and the three of us started off. Hmm I soon realised this was much further than I ever imagined. It didn't help that the current was strong and it pulled us quite a distance off track. I really have no idea how long it took us to swim to the island but I started to panic about half way there. It was so scary because there was noone to shout on for help and my breathing was all to pot because I was panicing! The girls were behind me so they thought I was fine, but I just kept going and eventually managed to reach the rocks! I knew for sure there was no way I had the courage to swim back, Greg thought we must of swam about 2km because we all reached the island from the opposite side we should have. I was totally relieved and couldn't stop shaking for a good while after. The sun was also really strong so it took its toll as well, the water temperature was 27 degrees according to those that went scuba diving so it was like swimming in a warm bath!!
Anyways we all made it without drowning, and were soon killing ourselves laughing and wondering how we were going to get back ashore lol, There were a few locals on the island fixing there fishing nets so we asked them if they would give us lifts back to shore in there little boats. It really was our only option and of course they were delighted to take 3 white girls in their boats lol. First of all we went rock jumping with them, further round the island there were huge rocks that were vertical, it was scary but ace fun. After a good half an hour sunning ourselves and resting, Phoebe and I went on the boats first. They are only meant for 1 person so we had to go one at a time. When we reached the beach, the rest of our group were all out in the water swimming and they found it hilariously funny we managed to get lifts back with the locals!!! By this time Surge, Randa and Geoff had hired a catemarran and we shouted to them to go and get Nicole. It was such a fun and eventful afternoon in Lake Malawi, which we then finished off by going back into the lake for another swim!
When we stopped at a supermarket prior to getting to the campsite, Stephan and I decided it would be fun to make a punch drink for the fancy dress party, and everyone else was keen too. I bought 3 large bottles of Malawi alcohol, 40%, it was a local drink which we thought would be interesting and it said something about sugar cane on the label but that was all we really could understand! oh and plus it was cheap as.. 3 litres for £8. We divided it by 17 of us and everyone paid me back, which worked out that I actually made a profit. If I realised it was only £8 I wouldnt of asked for money but when it's 23000 kwache it seems a lot.
Anyways fancy dress was so much fun! Greg made beef stroganoff in the truck 'kitchen' :) then we got straight into the punch! After a glass or two, we had to go into the toilets in our pairs and come out together to see what we got for each other. It was priceless. I had Gerrard and he picked a cool leopard outfit for me and I had a ladies black silk nightdress for him and a silk gown.
Everyone was on such good form, even the older couples loved it. We were dancing on top of the bar and having competitions with the other overland tour group. After the punch I went onto Malawi vodka which was pretty good, the measures here are doubles though, 50 mls but you get a big bottle of sprite so I reckon it turns out to be a single hehe. It all helped with the bar dancing, I managed to resist, this time, going for a midnight swim unlike some of the group :)
I headed to bed about midnight I think, as the afternoon had completely tired me out! Plus we had been up since 5.45am remember!!!!
I am having the time of my life, absolutely loving the trip so far and the camping is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
Good night Malawi! You are beautiful :)
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