The overnight bus was a bit disappointing, not at all like South America. Where was my champagne, roast beef dinner, blanket, pillow, a game of bingo, films to watch and most importantly a reclining seat? No where was the answer. The seats did go back a tiny bit but it was just a normal bus. At least we got two seats each so I could put my feet up. I set my alarm and tried to sleep. I was awake ages before my alarm at 6:10am, we were almost there. I was to get off the bus at Woolgoolaba and get in a minibus with Mojo surf on the side to get to Spot X.
Three other girls also got in the minibus. We were shown to our room which was a metal shed with 3 bunk beds in. None of us were too impressed. Perhaps a wooden shed would have looked like a beach challet hut, but nevermind it was nice. The reception wasnt open for another hour so we had breakfast while we waited. When it did open I found out I was in the 9am surfing group so I went to get ready quickly. There were two other girls in the learners group with me and we had Fletch as our instructor. The first thing he made us do was jog along the beach! Thankfully not too far and then do some stretches. We then practised on the sandhow to lay on the surfboard. Your toes should be just touching the back of the board. We learnt how to stand up. You put your hands near your chest and push up. You bend your back leg so your foot is in position in the middle of the board. Then you put your weight on the back foot and bring your other foot forward to inbetween your hands. You make sure you have your balance before slowly taking your hands off the board and straightening up a bit. We practised this quite a few times on the sand before having a go in the water. Its quite hard. just walking out to the sea as everytime a wave comes it pushes you back a little. The first time I managed to get to the kneeling / crouching position but didnt stand up. Fletch to start with stood behind us and gave us a push when a wave came so we didint have to paddle but just concentrate on standing up. It helped as I managed to stand up YEAH! He did this a few times each before we tried completely on our own. In the hour that was left, I did a few nose dives off the front of the board, got halfway up into the crouch a lot of times and actually stood up twice properly! One time I landed on my bum so im gonna have a nice bruise there I can tell. When the two hours were up we carried our surf boards back to the camp and collected our bags.
I headed back to the beach as it was such a lovely sunny day. I put more sun tan lotion on and layed on my towel to get dry. Despite putting on suntan lotion several more times I still ended up looking like a lobster! I put clothes on to cover up but still stayed on the beach. When it was time I went back to camp to get the camp bus that was going to the shop in town. On the way I saw quite a big lizard walk in front of me. It was a grey / silver colour. When we got back from the shop it was dinner time as we got dinner included. It was Sunday and they had the classic Sunday dinner, roast beef and gravy. Great! It was very nice, we got a massive slice of meat each, a scoop of vegetables and a baked potato with lots of gravy. YUM YUM! After dinner we watched New Zealand beat Ausrtralia in the Rugby in the TV room. After that I went to bed as I was quite tired from surfing and not much sleep the night before.
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