So today we saw the Taj Mahal! And it was as amazing as you'd think it would be! At first i really felt like it had been super imposed onto a back drop i just couldnt believe it looked so gorgeous and perfect! We sent about 3 hours just walking around the grounds and looking up and for all that time it was still very special! I think the most beautiful building ive seen by far! Though the building wasnt the only interesting thing to take a photo of for alot of Indian families....Rach and me seemed to be just as interesting...we were sat quietly when the first family asked if they could take a photo with us, we agreed, then we had a crowd of about 20 standing waiting for a photo with us; children, women, men! I think in total we probably had near to 30 photos taken!! Got a bit odd so we decided to move on! They were all very nice about it tho, asking us and thanking us - unlike people previously who have just pointed the camera at you without asking! Though we did regret not asking for payment for each photo - we would of made a small fortune - and the Indian's themselves definately would of charged!
The other big thing to report about today is we decided to cut our visit to India short - we are meant to be here another two weeks, but have decided as our driving tour is ending and we have had a good but extremely stressful two weeks in India that we need a change. Its been a difficult and interesting country and one im definately glad ive experienced but i think our driving tour has been way to rushed and expensive! So we have changed our flight are on Friday morning we are flying to Malaysia - so a much more relaxed time (we hope!).
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