Today is our final day in Maryland staying with my auntie. I am now a lot more knowledgable of American history!
We have explored the town of mount airy, Frederick and Bloomsborough. These couldn't be any more different than the city of New York!
Fiona took us to HarpersFerry which is where some of the civil war took place. It was over 33c and so so hot!
On other days we spent sunbathing in the garden, going out for meals and spending afternoons in the hot tub.
Yesterday we visited Gettysburg, again another site where the civil war took place. We travelled around on Segways which was so much fun, however very hard to get the hang of!
I am currently sitting in the car on the way to Washington DC for a day and we will be completely on our own; this is when the real journey begins! Xxxx
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