Arriving in Posadas was disappointing. We hadn`t really wanted to be there, we couldn`t get a bus to Buenos Aires for 3 days and it was raining a lot. Our hostel was cheap but dingy and when a cockroach ran across the floor we decided to move to somewhere nicer!
The next day was really sunny, we headed to San Ignacio, an hour outside Posades to see the Jesuit ruins there. All the locals were drinking Yerbe Mate. It`s a bit like green tea but you have a goblet, a metal straw, a bag of herbs and a big flask of hot water. The locals carry all the stuff with them all day so Sean decided it must be good to be worth all that hassle.
We bought all the stuff and were starting to make it at the hot water station in the ruins when a couple of helpful locals came and told us we were doing it completely wrong! We figured it out eventually with their help and headed into the ruins. We met an English couple, Helen and Chris, who we`d met in Iguazu and spent the day with them, it was a nice relaxing day. We spent the rest of our time in Posades relaxing by the river and getting ready to go to Buenos Aires....Love Vicky x
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