Byron Bay is a very hippy/surfer based town, I like it but I'm glad were not staying too long as there hasn't been much to do as it's been absolutely chucking it down. On Monday we had a late start, and just mooched around the town, and chilled in a cafe. We went out in the evening, with Laura from our room and some english boys who have been on our Oz bus several times, which was good. We had another late start on tuesday and were going to go to the most Easterly point of Australia but it was properly torrential rain so we decided against it! We just chilled around the town again and Emms got a really cool hair braid. We weren't intending on going out this evening as we had a 7am - 7pm bus to Sydney the next day. But two American girls had just moved into our room and were really fun and persuaded us to go out with them, so were glad we did as we had a good time and they are studying in Sydney and arrive on friday so are going to take us out!
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