At present we are waiting for a train to take us to Kuala Lumpur, so we will update you on what we have been upto since the last blog!!
On our first full day in Penang we went to see the Snake Temple on a local bus which has cobra's and other deadly snakes wandering freely over the shrine. It wasn't as good as what we thought and the real temple was being renovated so they had moved all the stuff. Went around the Snake farm which was ok but Sarah got really upset when she realised what the bunnies were for. And there was a poor monkey in a cage that had gone mad and was sucking its toe. We felt really sorry for it.
We tried waiting for a bus to take us back to Georgetown but there wasn't one to be seen so we hailed a taxi to take us back. We did our own walking tour of all the historical landmarks in Penang....thanks to the lonely planet guide book. Our Dad would be proud especially as we went to Fort Cornwallis and we did have a laugh there, it was rubbish realy but good fun!!! It rained lots and lots on this day and we had to keep taking our Kag in a pac on and off cos it was so hot too.
The funniest thing happended whilst doing our walking tour, vicky slipped on a wet drain and went to walk off and her flip flop had broke. It was so funny and Sarah nearly wet herself. I had to walk along with one flip flop on as if we weren't getting stared at enough it made it even worse. We ended up at the Eastern and Orient hotel (built by the same people as Raffles), but felt we couldn't go in looking like we did and having only one shoe on. So we stopped to have lunch and managed to plaster the flip flop to my foot, as we were to far away from our room and there were no shops around at that time.
We walked around CHinatown and found a new pair of flip flops, and ended up back at the big shoping mall where we were the previous day. We wasn't liking Penang very much so we had a pizza hut for dinner and did a bit of shopping, and then went back to our room. We had a tv so we watched CSI and reminded us of home!!!!
We then caught an early bus to Cameron Highlands and arrived there at about 3pm after being driven up huge hills and around the mountains. The views were amazing and going around the sharp bends in a big bus was a bit scary. FOund a really nice hostel and had our first experience in a dorm room. Walked into the small town and found a lovely little cafe that sold tea and scones. It would have been rude not to so we went in and had our first real decent cup of tea for was great.
Went on a tour of the tea plantations and Mossy forest the next day, this was really good and the guide was great as he knew his stuff and realy enjoyed doing the tour for us. Stayed another night here as we liked it so much...probably because it had good tea! oh yeah and the views were amazing too.
Caught a minibus to Taman Negara national park. We ended up being the only 2 on it and the driver kept us well fed by buying us Bananas and some local food. It was nice and he was very helpful to us. Arrived at the offices to be transfered to the park and buy our permits to enter and the man at the desk was horrible. He was really unhelpful and was just trying to sell us all of there stuff. We only wanted to stay one night at the park, mainly because of time but also because Sarah hates bugs. She hates them so much that when we arrived she did a mum and stood in the room and cried.
It was ok as we found out how to get to KL without the stupid mans bus service and it was all good and ment Sarah had to spend less than 24 hours in the jungle!!!!
Vicky felt really bad about dragging Sarah to the park but really wanted to see it. I made her do a canopy walk and jungle trek, which i realy liked but Sarah being scared of hieghts wasnt a big fan. The jungle trek was so hard we were sweating like P.I.Gs, it was really tough going. When the pics go up you can have a laugh at the state of us. We then got the boat back along the river for about 2 hours to get to the train station.
We are just waiting to get on the Jungle trail bus which will take us to KL in about 7 hours. Was really happy as thought we werenät gonna be able to shower until we got to KL but found out there was a free shower and place to hangout until the train arrives at 00.30. So much better than hanging around the station like bums.
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