Vanya Around The World
Hi everyone,
Well as i was umming and rrring about in my last postcard, i did decide to move on after all. Colin (from my hostel in Sydney) and I hired a campervan to spend the week driving up coast, stopping at various places along the way.
The first place was Port Stevens, very small, very quiet, very empty, but very nice. It made a nice change to the hustle n bustle of city life in Sydney. The next day I drove!!!!! (which i didn't find too bad at all really). It was a bit different to my old little mini but i soon got used to it. We went to a place called Coffs Harbour, again nice and peacefull, then to a national park in Bunjulung (can't quite remember how it's spelt) and then to a bit of hippy life in Byron Bay. I really liked this town, it was so laid back and full of small art galleries and cute shops and cafes. Also full of backpackers.
After Byron we detoured especially so we could go and stay at a place near Mount Warning (volcano). We wanted to hike up it to see the sunrise but the lazy things that we were didnt get up when the alarm went off at 4 in the morning and instead fell back to sleep. Oh well!!
We are now in Brisbane on the job hunt again, i think i'll plan to be here a while to try and save some money and hopefully go back to Sydney for Christmas and New Year. How crazy to be thinking of that already.
Anyway sorry this is another short one, hope all is well with everyone.
- comments
Vilmagomes I feel good to hear that the Voxy stood first in most of the countries, this is one of the great app which makes you learn any lagugane. In a way one can say it as a learning app.