We now have a few more passengers in our carriage (all Russian). A couple of them already smell of BO and there are no showers so it doesn't bode well for the next few days. They have also been getting off at stations and buying kippers off the hawkers, so the carriage now has a very distinctive smell. Nick and I have been trying to spray the corridor when they are not looking; me with deodorant and Nick with his foot spray!! On one of our station stops we struck up a conversation with them (I use the word conversation loosely as they speak no English and we speak no Russian!) During said conversation we have ascertained they are not going all the way to Moscow (hurrah! as I don't think I have enough deodorant). Nick spotted them leaving at 11pm tonight so we have opened plenty of windows in the hope the smell goes!!! We promptly closed the windows as the temperature outside is now -17°C! We did bravely venture out at one of the stations but my eyebrows and eyelashes froze over (I looked just like one of those Arctic Explorers on the Discovery Channel, especially as I have not had any waxing done in 8 months!)
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