Well it seems we are the only passengers left on the train although there were only about 40 of us to begin with! Unfortunately the lack of customers has not improved the customer service, although Comrade Devito now seems bored with persecuting us so largely leaves us alone. He still persists in not putting any lights on in the carriage but we have torches (ha-ha!) The weather has remained much the same today blue skies and -17°C despite this we did brave outside when the train stopped a couple of times, although it is quite nerve wracking as you don't really know when it is going to take off again so I try and stay close! The reason for the prolonged station stops it would seem is not for passenger embarkation/debarkation but to remove the huge amount of ice which has accumulated on the train mechanisms. The guards (of which there are many) all jump off with their axes and start hammering the train. Nick kindly pointed out that they were paying particular attention to the brakes; I think he thought this would fill me with confidence, when in fact it had the opposite effect when I thought frozen brakes do not work!!!!
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