Well we are finally on the Trans Siberian Express and all is well. Whilst we were queuing to board I noticed that there was a small orderly line of respectable looking passengers. Now our usual fellow passengers when we are travelling on public transport are the great unwashed who are carrying their worldly belongings with them, so I was quite surprised. We were shown to our cabin by our happy Russian Guard (NOT!!) and too make matters worse as he was guiding us onto the train he went absolutely sprawling, we did try and show some concern but the two female guards on the next carriage witnessed it also and just burst out laughing so we joined in!! Now said guard will from now on be called Comrade Devito as he bears an uncanny resemblance to Danny Devito - think of the stripper scene in Friends and you will get the picture as he is also happy to walk around shirtless - not pretty!! Fortunately the train is almost empty so we have the four berth cabin to ourselves, which is just as well as I have lived in houses with bigger wardrobes! Had a couple of stops along the way today but Comrade Devito does not seem to like us getting off the train so we have to sneak out whilst he is not looking, but he is not far behind us and we are ushered back on (he has the unfair advantage of being shorter than the window height of the train so we cannot see him walking down the carriage to hide from him!!)
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