Grand Tour
We've just returned from a totally brilliant evening's entertainment. I can recommend the Tamaki Maori Village cultural experience most highly, especially if your husband is chosen as chief of the "tribe" or tour bus! Andy was selected as being the only adult male who'd played rugby... He had to do the welcoming ceremony, including facing down a haka and accepting a peace offering of a silver fern. Here he's being briefed on how to lead his warriors - ie all adult males from our coach - in a haka...he was quite perfect and played along wonderfully! Great evening.
- comments
Rosemary I've caught up with you at last! So glad to read of all your adventures and experiences. How wonderful to have so long to really emerge yourselves and not think about when it will end. I'm so glad all your plans have worked out, even if their has been more rain than hoped for. But then, that's what can happen in the European mountain regions in summer. The move went well and smoothly. We've got a long way with Martin's help and are beginning to get used to where we are. Well done Andy for playing along; just the chap to be a chief. Love for now, xx
S x Was there a photo of the haka?