So here we are back in Christchurch, after actually 8 hours' driving yesterday. Trams are only for tourists, but there are signs of the 2011 earthquake everywhere - most famously in the cathedral behind this tram, where the spire completely collapsed and the beautiful rose window also fell in one of the aftershocks. It's hard to say whether the city is resilient and regenerating, or whether it's stuck in a bit of a time warp and not getting on with demolishing and rebuilding quickly's almost five years since the quake (22 Feb) and yet nobody has yet decided whether to knock down the old cathedral or to rebuild it.... there are empty spaces everywhere, with brave modern artworks and sculptures galore, but also boarded-up ordinary houses, office blocks, historic buildings...
- comments
S x Interesting to read your entry on Christchurch, Val. Either the (newish) locals are still traumatized, being rational, or being practical to see the town now as a preserved site for transient tourists...? How do we compare Christchurch to those of the Boxing Day tsunami and quake. Fukushima 2011 involved nuclear plant. Jogja 2006... Kobe 1995 is probably more pertinent. It's again thriving, with some adjustments at development. Note that they are used to this natural phenomena for millenial generations. The twin astronaut DNA changes after just 1 year in space... and there goes my next chapter.
S x I think the 'flux' here meant positive. In the spirit of Trump's flux, Christchurch will need to invite migrations from nations who were the descendants of quake areas of our planet, to rectoverso build into the future...
S x I think the 'flux' here meant positive. In the spirit of Trump's flux, Christchurch will need to invite migrations from nations who are the descendants of quake areas of our planet, to rectoverso build into the future...