Christian's Little Jaunt
Evn'n all. Sunday night now, 4 days riding this week and a few nights on the soider makes for a pretty fine first week in NZ methinks. Took about 3 days to get over the serious jetlag but all sorted now; weird thing, your head feels like it's spinning on your neck, you have absolutely no idea what day it is, 4am is the best time to have to resort to going through your phone's menu and finding you have Tetris (and you enjoy it), 8pm is time for Weetabix and 12 noon is a week on Thursday.
Boarding's been awesome - riding the pipe and park loads, getting the boxes sorted, even nailed the C-box on attempt number 1 (we don't talk about attempts 2, 4, 5 and 7 though.) The new photo album on here, you lucky punters, is pretty much all riding and views from the hill, as I've categorically forgotten to take my camera out at night. You know what it's like when you just gotta get to that pub.
Great nights thus far at Scruffy Murphy's, Shooters, & Bar and Red Rock, to name but a few high-calibre ale houses. The latter rocked last night, some sort of after-party for a boarding comp at Snowpark yesterday. Cheap beer (man, it's like $3.50 {whoa, just got to stop and become English again, talking to too many Yanks / Canadians / Kiwis - well, this one band camp...ENOUGH, you are from Ipswich Christian!} for 2 pints, works out about 1.20 English), big tunes, loads of people and a local MC rapping to the backdrop of boarding videos - is this heaven on earth or what?!
Wanaka's a real mix of nationalities - tons of Japanese, Canadians, a few French, Germans, Americans, Kiwis obviously. They all have their differences, you know, the idiosyncracies and stereotypes - one US guy took the biscuit though when he told me that Singapore was in Baghdad and Cyprus wasn't a country. Yeah, whatever mate.
All signed up with Harris Mountains Heli-Ski, It's booked for Wednesday, weather-permitting, so I'm praying for snow over the next 2 days and then some serious rays the day after. Will be in touch about that one, don't worry ma it's totally safe!
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