Anyway, Mochaomhog, at 62, is no spring chicken, so however troublesome Maelachlainn and Toirdhealbhach were for the great Benandonner, they’re certainly proving a handful for their dad and their mom (who is the beloved Peonninashaeloch). Mochaomhog says feeding time is pretty well around the clock, and when they’re not feeding, they’re pooing. Mochaomhog, lets call him Monk, for God’s sake, called me today on arsefish-face-time for a bit of respite and, to be honest, he looked (see middle, above) like he himself had just been in a battle alongside Phoinbarrgh Caoindealbhain versus the invading Benandonner! As it happens, since this month in my blog is Election Special month, at the time Monk called, I was looking at the site of another bloke who faced an uphill struggle, namely a man called Andy Croy. So when I recorded this pic of Monk, I captured Andy as well (see Andy, to the left of the old fella). Andy is our local Labour candidate, but the poor soul's got no chance of election success, since the incumbent of this constituency, John Redwood, had a majority in 2010 of 13,492 over the Lib Dems and of 23,238 over Labour.
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