Was he talking about the budget, the deficit, or what - I'm afraid I can't say. For what its worth (which I'm sure isn't much), in my view Nick Clegg won the actual debate. He seems to understand things in a very common sense sort of way, and his sense of justice, or shall we say natural fairness, is very real and very evident. The trouble is, fairness costs quite a lot and I think most of Nick’s genuine hopes will not happen, or will be left half done, because the money’s not there, and it never will be. On the down side, he’s slightly cocky, because he knows he’s quite good as a public performer (unlike Dave). I feel he also has the sort of superficial confidence that people get when they are good looking and have generally been successful getting people to go to bed with them. This sort of confidence is not really that useful when you're seeking high office - people resent it because they are jealous.
- comments
Pepe I think there is lots of money there for fairness and there always has been. Unfortunately it's always wasted fighting wars such as in Afghanistan and Iraq. What gains were made from those campaigns and how much did they cost Great Britain ?
JJ Mind you, on that logic, you might wonder why we fought Fascism and Hitler in WW2.