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April 02 2015 - Run That By Me Again
I caught this look on posh Dave's visog as Ed was rubbering on with his “Jonny-Jonny the hell I am” responses. I think Dave is a nice man and I’m sure he’s clever too, he’s benefited from the finest education money can buy. And, despite being a toff whose never had a proper job, I think he’s sincere. However, he has a perpetual air of someone remote from the world, and although he’s known tragedy in his life, he still oozes privilege and a sense he’s deeply rooted on the other side of some imaginary divide from “the rest of us”. As he’s told us all already, he plans to do just one more term, but I sense he might slope off before then and make quite a bit money without paying much tax.
- comments
Pepe Talking of 'image' reminds me of the photo of Michael Foot taken early in the morning as he walked on the heath with a stick wearing a donkey jacket. It is widely believed that the photo when published by the press lost him the election. Speaking of the press, The Sun used to have great influence on elections depending who it's owner Rupert Murdoch decided to back. I don't think people buy/read newspapers in the internet age.
JJ That passive phrase "It is widely believed" which gives credence to something which is actually unsubstantiated. Foot lost the election because in every sense he was as priministerial as Ken Dodd, although no-one would argue that he wasn't an earnest and dedicated idealogue. I'd say Cameron is just about as antithetical from Foot as it is possible to be.