mums lying i dont have a nasty cold just a blocked up nose face and ears... nothing that a lemsip doesnt sort out.. :-) if it was nasty i wouldnt be at school trust me... funny stories about rach being short... im surprised they found a wetsuit to fit her or did she have to use a child-size one? went to the doctors today.. she gave me a half litre bottle of gaviscon so me and dad are going to share taking slugs from it hahaha...nothings happening at school just depressing awards ceremonys and oxbridge conferences..hilariously still invited to those?!? mums gone decoration mad with paint samples and what not im sure she goes into her room sometimes on a night just to stroke the new plasterwork on the walls...shes cute. Rabby has reached new heights of ruggedness.. perhaps even more raggy than tris! she wouldnt sit still or let me brush her though so she actually looks a bit ridiculous with hair sprouting randomly in tufts all over her its going everywhere because she keeps hurtling round her cage and wiggling her tail shes so silly...anyways bed time for mee xxxx nite nite love you (rachael only) and tristan.. yes he's okay i suppose...maybe if he showered more regularly... xxxxx ps how come your faces are really red inside your masks but not out... they look really suckered on.. kind of moulded to your noses.. mm attractive guys :-) xxx happy exploring
Hiya you two, just been looking at your Diving blog and pictures, i'm so so jealous it looks brilliant if not a tad scary! I dont know, you young ones who knows whats next you lucky things. All is well here, Dad went to IBC Conference at the weekend in Amsterdam, sounds like one big party with people from as far as India that dad has worked with. Nic has a nasty cold so trying to to keep her going. Bought a smoothie/blender type thing we are getting through loads of fruit which should help with Nics cold, the smoothies are really very tasty and so simple yum yum. I have been sanding the paintwork in the bedroom today, its ready for painting so that we keep me quiet for a few days. Went to Thomas 18th yesterdayhe came home for the day, I think he really likes it at the palace, he's back home in two weeks so he's making the most of it. Looked after Harry and Emma tonight whilst Yvonne went to Hospital her mum is improving, taught them how to play Dominos. Well its bed time have to sleep, love you lots take care. MUM XXXXXXXXXXXX
Uthomas & A Denise
Hi There,
Just been looking at pics. Cairns as misty as when we were there, but we had cyclone off sure as well. We had coffee in Gilligans when we went to use internet. That's where I broke my tooth on anzac biscuit few days before Ruth' wedding. It was noisy then.
U Thomas says these places good to visit Makie (not sure how you spellit), Inchinbrooke Island, Noosa, Glasshouse mountains. Australia zoo near Glasshouse mountains, Byron Bay
Ruth moved house Monday last, but not got telephone number yet. Will let you have it when she has one. Enjoy yourselves and take care. xxx
just thought i'd remind you of the places that u thomas said were good Atherlane table lands Blue lakes palm beach green island redcliff. Called your school today to check if Alison has had the baby yet so I can send the card .boy arrived on Tuesday 8.9oz all well so will post the card tomorrow.Emma and Dave go on Sunday home alone can we cope with tidy house especially your room where there is floor showing still! I think fran and Ian might put in an appearance next weekend as they will be up in Liverpool as jim (grandad) has died.Have been to scarborough for 2 nights weather not too bad so could walk around plenty.Just been to dot and eric's to see their Norway holiday pictures quite good and coffee served. Well must go take care of each other and have a fantastic time love to you both Mum xx
Hi Rach and Tris, it was lovely to speak to you at the weekend and to learn of all your experiences, particularly liked the loose lips story oh and also the bee and the shower escapade, not so sure about the crocs in the water though, keep your eyes wide open! Pics are really good we are all so envious you lucky people. Started work on the bedroom, its being plastered on Thursday so things are moving along nicely. Been to Harrogate today to see Charle & Sue, they are going to look at your website to see how you are getting on. Its Laura's first day at Leeds Grammar 6th form so I didnt get to see her, I'm sure she will get along just fine! Better go it's bed time, look after each other, and be sure to enjoy every single moment! love you & miss you both MUM X X X
Nicky Poo
hey, you guys are so geeky with your pictures!! rabby has been REALLY naughty tonight she wouldnt come out from under the drawers :-) she's also covered in mud.. hilarious little raggy. Hope you've managed to make some earplugs! Today has been the first day it hasnt rained in a while, mum made some butterfly buns haha you dont get any... tristan in particular. xxxx hope you're okay snotgribbles... love you miss you xxxx ps hope tristan is keeping up crimping
Emma (Bainbo)
Now then you two! Looks like you two are having a fabulous time so far and I can't tell you how jealous I am!! The photo's look fab...Rach I'm going to ban you from getting any browner! Loose lips hey...couldn't think of a better name myself if i tried! hilarious! Everyone is well here. Lottie had an eye infection but that's better now. Will look forward to the next installment! Lots and lots of love Ems & Dave xxx
hi loose lips sounds really good I thought the photos were really good, show what its like where you are. Look forward to the next entry. Aunty Maureen rang this morning to say she is getting married in Las Vegas in Jan 2009.Dad spent most of yesterday sorting screws! luv mum xx
Great pics and an interesting blog entry for Kakadu - you are obviously enjoying yourselves....and this is only week one.
So Tristans new nickname............... 'loose lips'!!
Certainly not missing the weather here in the UK, continual rain and wind.