hi there both of you , sounds like you've both enjoyed Brisbane and seeing the whales up close must be amazing. Glad that you managed some good weather on frazer island Denise mentioned all the sand, lucky that you managed to catch that barge out. I've been at work all week again except for Tuesday when I took Nana to Liverpool, I left her with a note saying not to fasten her legs too tight in French to flash at the porters in Limoges as last time she ended up with bruises but she has left it at the airport so I hope Denise can sort out another sign. Dad and I are going to Malham this weekend with the rambling crowd so I hope the weather holds up as we have had some good sunny days this week.There is a leak on the hose from the pump to the airblower so dad will have to sort that out before we go but I don't think it is so vital at this time of the year as in the summer.Ann and greg's extension starts a week on Monday so they are trying to empty the garage to put things in from the kitchen good thing is we also got rid of the fire surround from ours. Only another ton of rubbish to go! Charlotte is growing fast she weighs 10lbs 1oz now and has grown out of her first size clothes. Went out with Emma and Dave for a curry it was really good you'll have to get them to take you when you get back. Laurie called today he seems to be recovering from his hernia op but he is still a bit saw. Christopher has started a new job and seems to be finding it ok more scope than the last place he worked. Well think that is all for now, lots of love to you both and have fun in Sydney are you planning on seeing Cheryl? How long have you got there? Mum xxxx
Nicky Aka Germ Harbourer
Helloo, yesss i am a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria it seems :-( just taking a break from writing this boring history essay that annoyingly i know you (rach) have already written but cannot find it anywhere... not that id substitute them or anything hehe. Went to Bradford on saturday but wasnt too keen its a bit of a dump (no offence to anybody who's a fan) but the courses looked good so its a bit tricky really. Went to tobys grandma and grandads for dinner last night which was nice apart from violent coughing fits and a stuffed up nose lol..which only seems to have gotten worse today so I've not been at school but being the geek that i am have still sat and done my homework as I would only have had 2 lessons today anyways, im a bit annoyed because i wanted my history coursework back to see how I'd done!! Anyways hope you guys manage to catch up on sleep soon, rach you sounded exhausted! xxxxx
Emma (Bainbo)
Hi there you two! seems like mum, sally and i need to get another hobby...hehehe! Just been on to see if you have updated it, but going to have to wait a bit longer for that by the looks of things. Well it has been freezing here this week - so cold - you two will have the shock of your lives when you get home after all the sun! Ann and I (and Lottie) are going to the Yorkshire Brides Show tomorrow at Harrogate so that i can start getting some ideas together for the forthcoming event...very exciting! Really, Really looking forward to the weekend after this week too as it's been a shock being back at work and college!! Anyway, must dash...take care and hope to see an update soon.xxxxxx
Hiya you two, hope you are both well and still keeping busy. Can't wait to see next set of pictures, any whales? All is going well here, went to Robin Hoods Bay on Monday, it was really sunny such a refreshing change for it not to rain, had a lovely day but tired after long walk and then the hill back to the car was a killer, i'm so not fit despite the twice weekly visits to Esporta. At long last finished painting the bedroom, carpet being fitted in the morning so its well under way, just need to sort out what we are having on the windows quite fancy roman blinds but not sure, I will get Apollo blinds to come and give me some ideas.Dad has flown into London tonight and will come home tomorrow after GMTV so he shouldn't be late back.Nic has a weekend of events planned out, it seems to be 18th Birthday time for everyone at school so lots going on for her which is good, also hope to go to Bradford University open day on Sat to look at science based courses. Rabbi is doing well she is a monkey still chasing her around to get her back into her cage so nothings changed. Well its time for bed yawn yawn really tired, got to go love you loads mum x x x
Yes me again getting quite quick at this now. Working all week but not doing much homework. Emma looking really brown after her holiday I'm surprised they let her back. Weather changed they have even threatened frost for tonight! We will have to think about somewhere to put the rabbit by November lets hope we have the garage sorted by then. The electrician is supposed to be coming next week to do the fuse box in the garage instead of the hall only taken him a year! THE ARCHITECT is coming next week to take measurements but they will not start until after xmas so you will be back to enjoy that. See I managed to repeat my last message oh well at least I'm writing. Have you got a code for your updates as it keeps bouncing around and I can't let it as I don't know your code.Well think that is all hope youy have enjoyed Frazer Island Lots of love to you both Mum.xxxx
Emma (Bainbo)
Hi there you two!! Wow!!! Wow!! Wow!!! your photo collection is looking fabulous and lovely to read all about your adventures whilst i've been away for the last two weeks. sounds fabulous!! I'm glad that you've enjoyed diving - i loved it when i went in Cancun...such a magical experience and it really is another world down there...fabulous!! well i can see that mum must not have had much to do in the last couple of weeks whilst dave, merckx and i haven't been living here - having made a few entries on your blog!! hahahahha! we got back at 5 this morning so i was really pleased that i'd booked today off too and i'm already dreading going back to work tomorrow! but never mind. Dave and I are going to crack on with the house to hopefully get moved in, within the next month or so...fingers crossed!! we keep forgetting that we've got the house, quite settled at mum and dad's now - hahahhaa! well obvioulsy we're really excited about 'our engagement' whilst we were away - i'm not sure who was more shocked dave, me or everyone else! i've got a beautiful ring though and we're going to get the wedding sorted once we're living in Otley so that's very exciting! Saw Lottie today and she has grown loads - she's gorgeous!! Taking after her aunty em!! hahahah! oh - tris we could have really done with you here at the moment as a MASSIVE rat has taken to living in the garden - moved in about 3 days ago and isn't bothered if you see it! it's huge so i'm on rat watch and dad has borrowed a gun...will keep you posted!! right..think that's all for now but will read and write again soon!! lots and lots of love to you both Ems & Dave xxxxx
Hi there you two great to see that you are having such a good time and seeing all these creatures including the hens and pigs. The photos are amazing the sand just looks so white and clean different to brid,but we have had at least 3 days of sunshine so we must not complain. I've been at work for 2 and a half days this week would of been 3 but we had the architect coming and I wanted to be at home.He says he will be back to measure up in the next 8 days. What do you think of Emma and Dave don't know who was the most surprised!I'm working all next week as well good job one of us is. Your Nana is going to France on October 7 so will be taking her to Liverpool then.
Those scones looked quite tasty even though I did not make them.Have I told you that A. maureen is getting married in Las Vegas? We have been very busy in the garage you might be able to see floor in there soon some with tiles on and tiles on some of the walls as well.Charlotte is coming on in leaps and bounds putting on about an ounce a day and so far being really good sleeping at least 5hrs at night.Dad having problem with top pond getting it started again after cleaning out the filter but no doubt he will sort it out.Fran and Ian are in the New Forest this weekend staying at the same place that Ann and we stopped it is really lovely with excellent food. Emma due back on Sunday night so back to life as normal then it has been tidy no quiet without every one here.I'd nearly worked out how much to cook for 2!!Well as this is the second effort tonight as I forgot to press add message last time I will write more later must get to bed Dad has plans for more work in the garage tomorrow if it is fine,Love to you both Mumxxxx smelly lick from paddy and snuffle from bun.
Hi there you two great to see that you are having such a good time and seeing all these creatures including the hens and pigs. The photos are amazing the sand just looks so white and clean different to brid,but we have had at least 3 days of sunshine so we must not complain. I've been at work for 2 and a half days this week would of been 3 but we had the architect coming and I wanted to be at home.He says he will be back to measure up in the next 8 days. What do you think of Emma and Dave don't know who was the most surprised!I'm working all next week as well good job one of us is. Your Nana is going to France on October 7 so will be taking her to Liverpool then.
Those scones looked quite tasty even though I did not make them.Have I told you that A. maureen is getting married in Las Vegas? We have been very busy in the garage you might be able to see floor in there soon some with tiles on and tiles on some of the walls as well.Charlotte is coming on in leaps and bounds putting on about an ounce a day and so far being really good sleeping at least 5hrs at night.Dad having problem with top pond getting it started again after cleaning out the filter but no doubt he will sort it out.Fran and Ian are in the New Forest this weekend staying at the same place that Ann and we stopped it is really lovely with excellent food. Emma due back on Sunday night so back to life as normal then it has been tidy no quiet without every one here.I'd nearly worked out how much to cook for 2!!Well as this is the second effort tonight as I forgot to press add message last time I will write more later must get to bed Dad has plans for more work in the garage tomorrow if it is fine,Love to you both Mumxxxx smelly lick from paddy and snuffle from bun.
Chemistry Anonymous
do you know the significance of silicone sand?
Nicky Poo
hello.. yes boring question BUT rachael i need to ask you about footnotes... should a footnote be the same as the footnote before do you have to put it in or can you use some fancy footnote trick so you still put it in but you dont have to write it out.. is it some stupid latin word.. is it ibid???!!!! haha potentially sound thick but history coursework is calling :-( boring life i know. xxxxxx hope your okay bird stalker...
Nicky Poo
hiya rach after spending time sleeping in your room rodriguez has confessed all to me and says : "hola carino te quiero y no me gusta tristan, es muy maloliente y pedos en la cama cuando está durmiendo..." so the truth is out.. tristan better watch his back obviously no matter how much rodriguez hears i love you from him... he still isnt taking to him very well.. oh dear never mindd... :-) xxxx
Doctor N Perry
rachael watch your moles.. and tristan.. unhealthy amount of hair growth for the heat your in.. trim it more please. Also it would be advisable rachael to do some paginating just to keep your brain engaged.. all ready for when you get back.. maybe you could re-file and organize your travel documents in legal order? i really think it could improve your sanity.